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竹筒当作水烟袋。Bamboo tubes are used as hookah.

本公司还可出口吸管,水烟袋。We can also export drinking straw, hookah.

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照片上我的太爷爷手里拿着一个水烟袋。My great grandfather holds a hookah in his hand in the photo.

这是一个…水烟袋。很漂亮,很符合我摩洛哥主题的派对。It's a. a hookah. mm-hmm. And it is adorable. it's perfect for my moroccan-themed party.

嘉年华酒吧出售的饮料是如此巨大以至于只能用水烟袋大小的杯子装,用皮带系在你脖子上。The Carnaval Bar sells drinks so gargantuan that the hookah-sized glasses attach to your neck with a leash.

书中会有这样的插图?不会吧。我还在想躺在蘑菇上抽着水烟袋的毛虫该有多恶心。Oh duuude, this is from a book? No way. I just thought a hookah smoking caterpillar on a mushroom looked AWESOME.

了解如何在这个自由水烟视频系列,将教你所有关于水烟袋吸烟,以及如何从一个工程。Learn how a hookah works in this free video series that will teach you all about hookahs and how to smoke from one.

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宴主或坐在茶炊旁饮茶,谈天说地,或围着一个大水烟袋轮流吸烟,欢度良辰。Or sitting next to the main feast samovar tea, chatting, or rotate around a flood pipe smoking, to celebrate a really good time.

了解如何从一个吸在这个自由系列影片水烟,将教你所有关于水烟袋吸烟,以及如何从一个烟雾。Learn how to inhale smoke from a hookah in this free video series that will teach you all about hookahs and how to smoke from one.

学习如何正确从水烟烟雾在这个自由系列影片,将教你所有关于水烟袋吸烟,以及如何从一个。Learn how to correctly smoke from a hookah in this free video series that will teach you all about hookahs and how to smoke from one.

哈马斯禁止女性在咖啡馆抽水烟袋,声称此行为会导致婚姻破裂和有损巴勒斯坦人民的形象。Hamas has banned women from smoking water pipes in cafes, saying it destroys marriages and sullies the image of the Palestinian people.

了解如何选择在这个自由系列影片,将教你所有关于水烟袋吸烟,以及如何从一个为您的水烟烟草权。Learn how to pick the right tobacco for your hookah in this free video series that will teach you all about hookahs and how to smoke from one.

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他正在树下躲避午后的一场短时暴雨,一边吸着竹质水烟袋,一边向我解释罗非鱼生意为什么一下子就开始难做了。Taking shelter under a tree from a midday cloudburst, he puffs on his bamboo water pipe and explains how the economics of tilapia have suddenly turned against him.