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证词与报告吻合。The testimony tallies with the report.

这些血管的皮支吻合丰富。These vessels have rich cutaneous anastomosis.

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模型计算值与文献值基本吻合,平均偏差小于10%。The average deviation is lower than. 10 percent.

产品价格与质量比较吻合,基本做到优质优价。The price and quality of the product is consistent.

中脑动脉在表面形成的吻合,平均每例为3.6支。There are 3.6 anastomose branches in each midbrain.

理论计算与实验吻合。And the experimentations agree with the calculations.

专家意见同那些居民也吻合甚好。Foreigners' views tally well with those of residents.

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国际篮联规则每次修改都向NBA靠近或吻合。The FIBA rules are modifying in accordence to the NBA.

这个说法正好吻合了中国领导人的想法。This dovetailed with the interests of China's leaders.

头部伤口的油漆碎片与管钳顶端吻合。In the head wound to the proximo line of pipe wrenches.

这个解释和他刚刚作的那个解释正好吻合。This explanation fays in with the one he has just made.

远端多吻合至后降支及钝缘支,近端均吻合至主动脉。All the proximal anastomoses were directed to the aorta.

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我在与我的视觉需要吻合的事物中取得借鉴。I borrow from things that dovetail with my visual needs.

爱情是生命的火花,友谊的升华,心灵的吻合。Love is the spark of life, the sublimation of friendship.

计算结果与实测值吻合良好。The calculation result matches well with measured values.

经样机测试,结果与计算基本吻合。The result of proto- type test is similar to calculation.

理论值与实验点吻合较好。The experimental data is identical with theoretical value.

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数值计算结果与现役燃烧炉设计值吻合很好。The results accord with the existing burner design values.

指趾部有丰富的动静脉吻合。Arteriovenous anastomoses are best developed in the digits.

计算结果与实验梁的量测值吻合较好。Analy- tical results agree well with those from experiments.