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有时我们吃油条。Sometimes I eat Youtiao.

豆浆和油条店。Soy milk and bread stick shop.

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有我喜欢的油条。I like to have the fried fritters.

我可能要吃豆浆和油条。I'll probably have soya bean milk and cruller.

给我来四个生煎馒头、两根油条。Give me four flat-pan fried buns, two fried dough bars.

油条,很好吃的,你要不要来点?Twisted cruller, it's delicious. Would you want something?

其他特色食品有油条和甜豆浆。Other typical foods include fried sticks and sweetened soymilk.

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蓝色的毕哥每天总是做一堆把桃红油条惹火的事。Mr. BIG always do something invidious to make pink strip feel angry.

天津的“白面饼卷上两棵油条”这是怎么个吃法?Tianjin "white bread volume, two fried fritters, " This is how one eat?

天津的“白面饼卷上两棵油条”这是怎么个吃法?Tianjin's "white bread volume, two fried fritters, " This is how one eat?

献血前避免油腻食品如汉堡、油条及冰淇淋。Avoid fatty foods, such as hamburgers, fries or ice cream before donating.

事实上,东南亚的餐桌上油条也是常客。In fact, you’ll find them at breakfast tables right across Southeast Asia too.

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结论济南市早餐油条市场上存在着较为严重的明矾滥用现象。Conclusion Alum is abused severely in Fried bread stick of breakfast on the market of Jinan.

目的了解济南市早餐油条中铝的含量。Objective To investigate the amount of aluminium element in fried bread stick of breakfast in Jinan.

就我们所知,粥和油条的量都有它们价钱不相匹配。As far as we know, the amount of the porridge and the deep-fried dough sticks didn't match the price.

永和早餐的精髓就是豆浆和油条。The quintessential Yonghe-style breakfast is doujiang and youtiao -- soy milk and fried bread sticks.

因此,油条不要经常的作为早点食用,但为调剂口味,偶尔吃一次对身体也无妨。To sum up, fried fritters is a traditional food, but regular consumption, is detrimental to human health.

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目的探讨油炸温度和油炸时间对油条中丙烯酰胺含量的影响。Objective To explore effect of temperature and time duration on acrylamide formation in frying bread sticks.

还有一些人吃茶叶蛋和酸奶,虽然有营养,但味道实在不能接受。所以,我选择一根油条蘸着一碗豆浆吃。Also someone else choose eggs with yoghourt, but it is really hard to suffer the taste althought it's nutrient.

不过由于三亚太潮湿了,油条吃起来像猴皮筋一样,不脆。However, because of the three Asia-Pacific and humid, like a monkey to eat fried fritters Elastic, not brittle.