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所谓战略纵深也就这么多。So much for strategic depth.

触向你心神之纵深处张望。They look into the beauty of thy mind.

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因此,网络纵深防御,势在必行。Thus, network defense-in-depth is imperative.

胸部宜纵深,且宽度适当。The chest is rather deep and of moderate breadth.

有些内陆地区,积水纵深长达九公里半。In some places the water reached nine-and-a-half kilometers inland.

除了这个标准,他们也还有,纵深防御的概念。In addition to this criteria they have the concept of Defense in Depth.

这里有一个层概念,连续的目标会纵深向里面排列。There's a layering, a feeling of successive targets being deeper inside.

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解读张大力的油画作品,必须从历史的纵深中找寻。We must profoundly look into history to interpret Dali Zhang's paintings.

罗浮敦群岛因其“纵深、平静的海湾”和“起伏、多岩石的山峰”而获此殊荣。Lofoten won praise forits "deep, placid fjords," and "jagged, rocky peaks.

遂行后方、近距离和塑造任务,包括纵深精确打击。Conducts rear, close, and shaping missions including deep precision strike.

罗浮敦群岛因其“纵深、平静的海湾”和“起伏、多岩石的山峰”而获此殊荣。Lofoten won praise for its "deep, placid fjords, " and "jagged, rocky peaks."

胸部宜纵深,宽度相当,肋骨韧度适当。The chest is rather deep, of moderate breadth, with reasonable spring of rib.

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在西部,北方军已经慢慢地推进到南方的纵深。In the West, Union armies were slowly pushing deeper into Confederate territory.

设计核电厂有一个基本准则叫“纵深防御”。One of the fundamental tenets of nuclear power plant design is “Defense in Depth.

此文尚是一个开端,冀有俾益于此书及相关禅宗文献的研究向纵深发展。I hope this paper will beneficial to the study of the documents about the dhyana sect.

罗本利用球场的纵深从后场带球向前突破,但他最后的射门却打中边网。Robben countered by charging the length of the pitch but shooting into the side-netting.

我想纵深将取决于,你有多少士兵But I think that depth would have been determined by how many soldiers you had available.

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我们愿与吉方共同努力,使中吉关系不断向纵深发展。The Chinese side is willing to make joint efforts to deepen the China-Kyrgystan relations.

谈到安全问题,核工业界强调“纵深防御”的概念。When it comes to safety, the nuclear industry emphasizes the concept of "defense in depth.

这意味着你不能采取压迫式打法,不能投入边路,不能纵深防守。It means you cannot play a pressing game, cannot double up on the wing, cannot defend deep.