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人们不再茹毛饮血,而是会处理食材Instead of just eating them at the time there would be processing of it.

天人合一,难道生活在茹毛饮血的原始时代才是最好?Don't tell me that eating raw meat like a primitive person is the best way to be.

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科学把人类从茹毛饮血带入现在的高科技时代。Science has brought mankind from a primitive form of life to the present high-tech age.

他们与巨人族和食尸鬼狼狈为奸,在暗夜里诱拐童女、以磨亮的兽角茹毛饮血。They consorted with giants and ghouls, stole girl children in the dead of night, and drank blood from polished horns.

火使人类告别了茹毛饮血的时代,促进了脑的发育和健康的改善。Fire allowed people to eat cooked food instead of raw food and promoted the development of the brain and improved health.

而后还要将牛尾、牛毛、牛血送到瘗坎掩埋,象征不忘祖先茹毛饮血之意。Then even will oxtail, venues, cattle blood to Yi candy buried, the symbol of the RuMaoYinXie meaning not forgotten ancestors.

人工取火的发明,结束了人类茹毛饮血的历史,极大地推进了人类文明的进程。The invention of making fire artificially ended the eating animal flesh raw, greatly promoted the process of the human civilization.

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以前的男人们茹毛饮血,在荒野中与野兽争食,把那些不用劳动得来的饭称作为软饭。Nascent men before, in the wilderness with wild animals fighting over food, to those who do not have to work the rice known as soft rice.

比方说正统作家声称诺斯替教,我们这节课会讲到诺斯替教,他们说他们骄奢淫逸,茹毛饮血,而且还同类相食。Orthodox writers,for example,claim that Gnostics, we talk about Gnosticism in this lecture, they said they have these wild sex orgies, and they drink blood,and they have cannibalism.

纵观人类社会的发展史,无论是最初的茹毛饮血,还是今天的信息化浪潮,人类的大部分活动都是合作性的。Throughout the development of human society, whether it was the initial stage of human beings, or today's information wave of humanity that most of the activities are under cooperation.

詹姆士•H•鲁宾逊也说过“如果人类未曾尝试过错误,迎接失败的挑战,也许人类至今还是茹毛饮血的灵长类动物”。James Harrey Robinson said that, if human beings had never attempted mistakes or rose to the challenge of failure, human beings might still be the primates that ate raw birds and animals.