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握在枯枝之中。In withered twig.

这些枯枝被捆在一起。The sticks are tied together.

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假如生命只是一根枯枝。If the life is just a deadwood.

我们收集枯枝生火。Gathering sticks, we made a fire.

他们砍掉了许多枯枝。They lopped off a lot of old branches.

枯枝也让火焰更加炙热。Deadwood also allows fires to get hotter.

他把那些枯枝从树上砍下来。He cut away the old branches from the tree.

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她的长头发被野草和枯枝缠住了。Her long hair was befouled by weeds and sticks.

那里是一个美丽的传说关于枯枝牡丹。There is a beautiful legend about deadwood peony.

园丁把那棵树的枯枝给剪掉了。The gardener trimmed down dead branches off the tree.

我们将把树上的一些枯枝砍去。We will cut away some of the dead wood from the trees.

我们可以把枯枝锯掉劈成柴。We can see off any dead branch and chop them for firewood.

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园丁已经将树上的所有枯枝剪掉了。The gardener has lopped all the dead branches from the tree.

我们可以把枯枝锯掉劈成柴。We can saw off any dead branches and chop them for firewood.

花园里,苹果树和梨树患枯枝病最明显。In gardens, cankers are most prominent on apples and pear trees.

这些枯枝上落下的叶子一片猩红,像地毯似的铺在树干周围。The leaves they had shed lay like a scarlet carpet around the trunk.

于是我们点着了这堆枯枝,然后开枪打死了从里面跑出来的那三条狗。Well we lit up the debris and then shot the three of them as they ran out.

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为了让整株植物更耐看,要记得剪去任何枯枝烂叶。Remember to prune out any damaged leaves so the overall plant looks better.

沙棘林冠和枯枝落叶层具有显著的水文作用。Hydrological effects of canopy and litter layer of seabuckthorn are remarkable.

左非右与裤白捡了一些枯枝,在塔下燃起一个火堆。Zuo Feiyo and Ku Bai gathered some dry branches and made a fire below the tower.