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祝你有个有效的小憩!Good luck with your napping!

我在树顶上小憩,合上双眼。I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed.

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如果你的老板自己都不使用小憩舱,你会吗?If your boss didn't use the nap pod, would you?

我们在这里说的是小憩舱、洗衣室和按摩服务。We're talking nap pods, laundry rooms and massages.

在早上9点的那次小憩之后,我很是挣扎了一番才起床。It was a bit of a struggle to make it to the 9am nap.

并在白天小憩片刻以获取充足的睡眠。And take brief naps during the day to get extra sleep.

坐在户外家具用品上小憩,直至被踢。Relax in the patio furniture until you get kicked out.

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定时小憩一下,吃点你的特别小食。Take regular breaks to rest and have your special treats.

巴黎人布鲁诺·方丹正在河畔小憩。Parisian Bruno Fontaine is relaxing by the edge of the river.

我知道继续将毫无意义,因此我停止工作小憩一会。I know it’s pointless to continue, so I take a break from work.

印第安人躺在上面,打发掉了正午几个小时的酷热。时而小憩时而闲聊。In it the Indians pass away hot noon hours, napping or chatting.

当然打字本身也有助于我保持清醒到下一次的小憩时间。Plus typing these logs also helps pass the time until my next nap.

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一群苍蝇正打扰这这头猎豹的饭后小憩。Not even a swarm of flies disturbs a cheetah's after-dinner catnap.

回到这些新闻,一个老的解决方案是允许夜间工作人员小憩One old solution back in the news is allowing night workers to nap.

或是有些减压小技巧像伸展体操和小憩一下。Site stress-reducing techniques such as stretching and taking a break.

每隔15到20分钟,站起身,小憩一下。Every 15-20 minutes, get up from your desk, and take a breathing break.

当1998年第一个分店在北京开业,人们在床上小憩。When the first store opened in Beijing in 1998, people napped on the beds.

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当它的脚步渐渐疲惫,它会蜷缩在杂草丛中暂时小憩。When his feet grew tired and weary, he would curl up in the weeds and rest.

我立刻从纸牌游戏或者小憩中回过神来接受任务。’ I’d rush off from a game of cards or a wrestling match for my assignment.

马德望桑可河畔,一名男子在吊床上小憩。A man naps in his hammock along the bank of the Sangker River in Battambang.