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最终手术完满成功了。Her surgery was a success.

让我在宇宙的完满里。In the allness of the universe.

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祝愿谭晶伦敦演唱会完满胜利!Best of wishes and good luck in London!

在一片雷鸣般的掌声中,讲座完满结束。The lecture ends in a sea of applauses.

五角形是最完满的图形。The pentagon is the most perfect graph.

爱自己给我们大家一个完满的结局。Love more ourselves bring a happing ending.

完满的数字,一如他的比赛,正变得成熟而全面。Nice round number, as well-rounded as his game.

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问题终于完满解决。The problem has been solved satisfactorily at last.

星期六我终于找到一个帮佣!这一周终告完满。I found a maid on Saturday! My week is now complete.

我明白,爱、被爱、少一样都不完满。I understand, love, loved, not le , like the succe ful.

再加上一顿可爱的晚餐,它可以安排在娱乐之前或是之后,这样你就拥有了一个完满的夜晚了。A nice little before or after meal fills out the evening.

这音乐带给他一种完满和自由的感觉。The music brought him a feeling of plenitude and freedom.

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消费者享受的完满意味着生活的完满。The fullness of consumer enjoyment means fullness of life.

为了过一个完满的人生,每一天都应该有所创造。To live life to its fullest, each day must be created anew.

香港健力锦标赛2010经已完满结束。Hong Kong Powerlifting Championships 2010 has been finished.

香港健力锦标赛2011经已完满结束。Hong Kong Powerlifting Championships 2011 has been finished.

桀骜地眼泪!完满!写在结束前!Geul Oh's Tears! Satisfactory! Written before the conclusion!

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这是个困难的局面,并没有一个完满的答案。This is a difficult situation to which there is no perfectanswer.

他总是挑重担子,完满地完成每一项任务。He always picked the heavy loads and accomplished each task in full.

会长杯合球邀请赛已完满结束!!The President Cup Korfball Invitation Tournament has come to a close!