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少读垃圾资料。Read less junk.

好了,资料Okay. Materials.

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我们的将来就靠那资料了!What are we gonna do now?

巨量资料巨大化。Big data is becoming huge.

内部资料串流错误。Internal data stream error.

我读了一些你们的资料。I read some of your folders.

打开资料夹与习俗亚洲浆纸。Open folders with custom app.

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这也在发给你们的资料上。This is on your handout,also.

收集分析125例NEC的临床资料。We analyzed 125 cases of NEC.

惠勒就没有你的资料。Wheeler has no record of you.

他也在你们手上的资料里。He's on your handout list,too.

搜索促销资料。Look for promotional materials.

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瞎掰,把你的资料告诉我。Nonsense. Give me your details.

这种分类方式能帮助人们节省在图书馆找资料的时间。This sorting save library time.

公司内部资料与文件的翻译。To translate the company files.

他收集有关幽浮的资料。He collects information on UFOs.

这里有海量的学习资料。Lot’s of learning material here.

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还有许多其他参考资料。There are many other references.

你必须把预订资料整理一下。You have to assort booking data.

他拼命收集资料。Feverishly he collected his data.