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一更贝里琉枪杀。One more Peleliu shot.

那谁开枪杀开了他呢?So who fired the shot?

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强盗枪杀了警卫。The bandit gunned the guards down.

警方表示,他们到达枪杀案现场时歹徒已饮弹自尽。Police say he killed himself when they arrived.

这个枪杀事件继续在美国国会引起反响。The killing continued to reverberate in Congress.

塔利班声称对枪杀这名女警察承担责任。The Taliban claimed responsibility for shooting her.

在那之后的数分钟,枪杀在诺里斯大厅开始。Minutes after that, the shootings began in Norris Hall.

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女杀手开始在城中四处枪杀商人。Woman killer began in the city killed around businessman.

他拿起他的弓和枪杀,致盲丰耶阿在一只眼睛。He took up his bow and shot, blinding Feng Yee in one eye.

来自晚祷回家时,他的哥哥被枪杀。His brother was shot while coming home from evening prayer.

我不知道,主楼外面的所有人都被枪杀了。I don't know. Everybody outside the main building was shot.

对于他们枪杀无辜平民,人们感到义愤填膺。People are indignant by their shooting of innocent civilians.

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星期四,西迪基因为企图枪杀美国派驻在阿富汗的人员而被美国一家法院判处86年监禁。S. court Thursday to 86 years in prison for trying to kill U.

林肯,美国总统,在一八六四年被枪杀。Lincoln, president of the United States, was murdered in 1864.

我问他巡防队是否在他的领地内枪杀过嫌疑犯。I asked him if the scouts killed suspected poachers in his area.

枪杀,换句话说,基本上需要从重新设计的。Bso, in other words, basically it needs to be built from scratch.

在他被警方击毙以前还枪杀了另外三个人。He killed another three people before he was shot dead by police.

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陈志强找好位置,准备枪杀证人,不料失手。Ck tan to find good location, prepare kill the witness, only to fail.

公司总裁尹万俊对枪杀事件表示道歉。The company's president Yoon Man-jun has apologized for the incident.

“有一次,”他继续说道,“我看过一张犹太人在苏联被枪杀的照片。“Once, ” he went on, “I saw a photograph of Jews being shot in Russia.