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凋敝通向昌盛。Bdversity leads to prosperity.

他们延续的时间要远远超过底特律昌盛的时日。They far outlived Detroit’s prosperity.

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好莱坞昌盛时期成了神话。The great days of Hollywood have become legendry.

英帝国在19世纪曾昌盛一时。The British Empire flourished in the 19th century.

共祝祖国繁昌盛、美丽和谐。I wish the motherland prosperous, beautiful harmony.

那马不会给你们带来幸福和昌盛。The horse will not bring you happiness and prosperity.

祖国岁岁安澜、年年昌盛!May our country thrive in peace, and prosperity every year.

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公民们个个幸福欢乐,国家昌盛发达。Their citizens individually have been happy and the nation prosperous.

对于前者而言,城邦昌盛,人民富足In the case of the former, the polis flourishes and its people prosper.

他们的祖国因而与有荣焉,他们并因此而昌盛。Hence, their fatherlands were ennobled by it and they became prosperous.

经济特区的设立给我们的社会带来了极大的繁荣、极大的昌盛。The setting of special economic zone ahs brought us a flourishing society.

博格先生和赖因费尔特先生始终坚信所有权是经济昌盛的助推剂。Mr Borg and Mr Reinfeldt believe firmly in ownership as a driver of prosperity.

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其次是文化的昌盛,宋代崇文抑教的政策,使得文化出现了大发展。There are some reasons for the flourishing of Telling and singing in Song Dynasty.

愿我的传奇昌盛繁茂祝它绵延不绝、永远快乐。可可香奈儿。"May my legend prosper and thrive. I wish it a long and happy life. " Coco Chanel.

我坚信,香港人都热爱祖国,希望国家昌盛富强。I strongly believe that Hong Kong people love their country and want to see it prosper.

昌盛公司具有一支高效快捷的新产品开发队伍,能根据用户需要迅速拿出产品。We have an efficient, fast team to develop new products according to customers command.

后来,宿瘤女辅佐齐愍王管理朝政,给国家和人民带来了昌盛与繁荣。Later she assisted in governing the country and brought peace and prosperity to the people.

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祝福欢庆成功、国运昌盛、幸运家家、好运人人!Celebrate success, prosperity and prosperity, blessing, lucky family, good luck to everyone!

16世纪孟已发展成次大陆上人口最稠密、经济最发达、文化昌盛的地区。In the 16th century, Bangladesh has developed the most populous, prosperous and cultural region.

这样,我就日见昌盛,胜过以前在耶路撒冷的众人。我的智慧仍然存留。I became greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before me. In all this my wisdom stayed with me.