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他与他的随员们大步走了过去。He strode past with his retinue of aides.

她的四分之一是正确地紧邻我的主人随员。Her quarters were right next to my Master Suite.

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这些限制还影响到了高管随员。These limitations reach into the executive suite.

我不想与您的随员中那些卑劣的家伙们为伍。I do not want to be one of the swines in your entourage.

如果你想要我或任何事,我是在向下的在左边上的第二组随员中。I'm in the second suite down on the left if you want me or anything.

总统为王子和他的随员举行了告别宴会。The president gave the Prince and his attendants a farewell banquet.

我们不能够见大使,但是我们可以同大使随员谈一下。We were unable to see the ambassador, but we spoke to one of the attaches.

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执行官随员、证券交易经纪人行情室里精英们的唯利是图。Enough of the mercenaries in the executive suites, and the elites in the board rooms.

女王的随员多达60人,所以有人说她也带上了爱尔兰炖肉。She travelled with an entourage of 60 and, so it is said, her own supplies of Irish stew.

感谢人大常委会副秘书长李连宁先生,感谢外交部随员孙灵。And I want to thank Sun Ling, as I say with Ministry of Foreign Affairs for providing translation.

感谢人大常委会副秘书长李连宁先生,感谢外交部随员孙灵。And I want to thank Sun Ling, attache with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for providing translation.

对于我来说这是正常的,”德拉戈瓦特上校说,防务与克罗地亚共和国共和国大使馆随员。For me it's normal, " said Colonel Drago Horvat, defense attache with the embassy of the Republic of Croatia."

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但在他们解决了僵尸问题,进行了由赵石长老和他的随员。But after they settled the problem of the body-pestilence, Zhao was carried off by Shi Zhanglao and his attendants.

作为交换,精英阶层享有贵族式特权,公寓、司机、随员和大笔开销。In exchange, the elite could dip into a Versailles-worth of perks—apartments, drivers, staff and generous expenses.

她坚持说要乘此航班,因为她是一位美国的州长的随员,这样美国大使馆的一位副官介入了。After insisting she had to make the flight because she was with a U.S. governor, an American embassy aide intervened.

一个钦差大臣便带著一打随员,从我的右小腿那里走了上来。His excellency, having mounted on my small right leg, advanced forwards up to my face, with about a dozen of his retinue.

五位大臣通过多种方式选调随员,这些随员中有懂得外语、具备专业知识的优秀人才,他们在考察中发挥了重要作用。The real relations of the five officials in the inspection were not very good, which affected the foreign views about them.

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德国总理住普通客房,捡拾面包,与普通随员同食,严重冲击了我们的眼球,反差太大。German premier lives common guest room, collecting a bread, eating with common suit together, pounding at our eyeball seriously, anti- bad too big.

在2003年,在她在缅甸北部旅行时,一个亲政府的暴徒袭击了其随从,杀死了她的随员,之后政府就逮捕了她。She was last detained in 2003, after a pro-government mob attacked her entourage and killed many of her followers during a tour of northern Myanmar.

奥巴马夫人和随员本月也去过米莉姆厨房,一家专做汤菜的厨房,第一夫人在那里遇见了46岁的流浪汉比尔.理查德森。Mrs. Obama and her staff also visited Miriam’s Kitchen, a soup kitchen, where the first lady bumped into Bill Richardson, a 46-year-old homeless man.