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她喊醒了丈夫,把事情的来龙去脉告诉他。She woke her husband and told him.

不一致的且无来龙去脉的共享Inconsistent and context-less sharing

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我们正在评估和试图了解整件事情的来龙去脉。We are valuating and looking to understand what happened.

他记得这首歌是在1954年发行的,记得这首歌在唱片的B面,他知道所有关于这首歌的来龙去脉。He knew it was released in 1954. He knew the B side of the single.

搞清楚来龙去脉后,我告诉老爸这是罗德里克的阴谋诡计,他才是。After I did, I told Dad that Rodrick had played a trick on me, and.

这就是,史上最旺牛市之一的来龙去脉And this is in the context of one of the greatest bull markets ever.

要摸清那些诡谲多变的股票、债券和商品交易的来龙去脉。Learn the ins and outs of savvy stock, bond and commodities trading.

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在家的叶宝宝正好听到了这来龙去脉,她斥责叶伟东耍阴招。At home Ye Baobao just heard the story, she rebuked wei-dong ye play tricks.

布鲁斯把我招到其翼下并教我商业运作的来龙去脉。Bruce took me under his wing and taught me the ins and outs of the business.

我无意深入调查这一情况的来龙去脉。I had no intention of going into the whys and the wherefores of the situation.

“我们的目标是弄清楚这个过程的来龙去脉。”Casellas表示。"Our objective is to understand the ins and outs of this process, " says Casellas.

第五,最好为你的辩驳提供来龙去脉。Fifth, it is best to give context and explain what you are issuing a refutation to.

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有意思的是,许多幸存者的证言证实了整个事件的来龙去脉。Interestingly, much of the survivor testimony seems to confirm this sequence of events.

但是─开始是没有野兽旳,它是创世者旳时尚创作,许多年后这就成le故事,这就是这些故事旳来龙去脉。It was fashioned by Creator many years later, and this is a story of how it came to be.

马科洛戴维斯最近写信给他们,想知道这封信的来龙去脉。Muchlow-Davis recently wrote to the family, asking for insight into the letter's history.

那就给你们说点来龙去脉,那次股灾确实相当惊人So, just to give you a little bit of context, the crash was really an extraordinary event.

可是吴佩欣是个追根究底的人,她还是决定要去问彭刚事情的来龙去脉。But Wu Peixin is an argumentative person, she decided to ask Peng just what sequence of events.

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当整件事完全呈现在你眼前,或者有人跟你说这件事的来龙去脉之后,你就会恍然大悟了。Once everything comes out or you are told exactly what is going on it all seems to come together.

启光谓事件涉及两姊妹勾心斗角,问成双便可得知事情来龙去脉。That light incident involving two sister pairs can be intrigue, ask the governor sequence of events.

动物园管理员一直被这件事所困惑,但是他们最终发现了来龙去脉。For a while , the zookeepers were puzzled by the accident, but they finally discovered what happened.