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安娜的帽子漂亮而别致。Annas hat is smart.

他们很喜欢买一些别致的东西。They like to buy fancy items.

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他俩都喜欢穿花俏别致的服装。Both of them like fancy clothes.

她头戴一顶小巧别致的帽子。She is wearing a pert little hat.

她的上衣上别一枚别致的胸花做为点缀。An exquisite flower adorned her dress.

卡特形容为“鸦片烟馆别致它。Carter describes it as "opium den chic."

昏黄的光芒却也映出了一种别致的美丽。Dim light but also shone a unique beauty.

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这个收音机样子很别致。This radio set is unconventionally shaped.

被子的整体图案设计很别致。The all-over design of the quilt is unique.

他的肖像用一个很别致的框裱起来。His portrait was mounted in the fancy frame.

我们去了在后海的一家非常别致的餐馆。We went to a very nice restaurant in Houhai.

再也没有比一双格纹鞋更别致的单品了。Nothing says chic like a pair of plaid shoes.

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一个通用的新的海滩街别致的风格。A versatile new style for beach-to-street chic.

除了一柄式样别致的雕花匕首之外Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger

除了一柄式样别致、雕有花纹的匕首外。Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger.

温暖舒适的毛领,造型独特别致。Warm and comfortable fur collar, unique and chic.

还有那六个手工水晶高脚杯也很别致。Site added six hand-cut crystal goblets, and paused.

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成品形状呈三角形,新颖别致。The finished product has distinctive triangle shape.

我真的很喜欢有点古典、又有点图书管理员式的别致风格。I really like sort of classic, kind of librarian chic.

这座园林中的石舫精巧别致、与众不同。The Marble Boat in the garden is exquisite and unique.