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她打饱嗝。She burps.

我在打饱嗝。I am burping.

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饱嗝,说,“嘿,你不belch and say, "HEY, YOU DON'T

如果她不小心放了屁或打饱嗝等等。If she accidentally passes gas, burps, etc.

再喝啤酒的时候,尽可能大声的打饱嗝。When drinking beer, burp as loudly as you can.

一位科学家用“打了个饱嗝”来形容该次火山喷发。One scientist described the eruption as a "hiccup."

她微笑了,好像他把她打的饱嗝当成了一句恭维话似的。She smiled as though he’d meant it as a compliment.

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我用手抹了抹嘴,然后打了个响亮的饱嗝。I wiped my hand across my mouth, then belched loudly.

那些男人,吃得直打饱嗝,解开了背心的钮扣。The men, gorged with food, had unbuttoned their vests.

绝对不要在餐桌上或在餐桌旁撸鼻子或打饱嗝。Never blow your nose, burp, belch at and around the table.

如果你并不想打饱嗝,随意打打嗝是另一个很好的选择。If burps don’t appeal to you, hiccups are the next best thing.

然后打个饱嗝,酒劲就上头了,说话已是吐词不清了!Then make a belch, wine difficulty it is, to speak with words is not clear!

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从孩子刚刚会打饱嗝时起,我们便开始观察他们的面部表情。We start by learning what our babies` faces look like when they need to burp.

用餐的时候,切忌打饱嗝,否则会被认为是非常粗鲁的行为。It is very rude to burgh during meals, or it will be seen as a very rude behaviour.

同样,也无需在餐桌上强忍住不打饱嗝,最好的办法是入乡随俗。Also, there's no need to stifle burps at the dinner table nor to react to the burps of others.

你可以买到会啼哭、喝奶或打会饱嗝的娃娃,而且这个娃娃的任何方面都非常逼真。You can buy ones which cry, drink milk, or burp, but this baby goes all the way in terms of realism.

非处方药抑酸剂可以减少胃酸,后者也能引起饱嗝时溢出的口臭。Over-the-counter antacids may ease a sour or acidic stomach, which can cause halitosis when you burp.

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早饭后在上教室的路上,我用手抹了抹嘴,然后打了个响亮的饱嗝。One day, after breakfast, on my way to the class, I wiped my hand across my mouth, then belched loudly.

哈利还试图争辩,但他的话被达斯利的儿子达力一声又长又响亮的饱嗝打断了。Harry tied to argue back but his words were drowned by a long, loud belch from the Dursley's son, Dedley.

吃饭发出啧啧声或打饱嗝都是不礼貌的,前者是餐桌礼仪的禁忌。Loud eating noises such as slurping and burping are very impolite. the number one sin of dinner table etiquette!