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这场争端通过调停而得到解决。The dispute was settled by mediation.

这位老人喜欢调停争论。The old man likes to interpose in the disputes.

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你们遇到的世界,永远是被调停的。Your encounter with the world is always mediated.

父母争吵,我居中进行了调停。I intervened in the quarrel between my father and mother.

波士尼亚的和解是联合国调停的结果。The settlement in Bosnia was a result of U. N. mediation.

他们通过调停解决了劳资纠纷。They mediated a settlement between labour and management.

中方是否会为解决利比亚当前危机发挥调停作用?Will China play a mediatory role in the current crisis in Libya?

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他在两个吵架的人之间进行调停。He interposes himself between the two persons who are quarrelling.

竹琦议员奉潘托拉联盟之命予以调停。Senator Chuchi intervened, at the behest of the Pantoran Assembly.

丕乃哈斯奋起调停,这灾祸才止息平定。But Phinehas stood up and intervened, and the plague came to an end.

书页空白处,作者和读者在辩论,书在做调停。They mediate, in their margins, disagreements between reader and author.

最后还是找导游调停,不但添了汤,还退回了先给的10元钱。Finally find a guide mediator, not only add soup, also returned to 10 yuan.

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你的心智和各种不同的情感受雇于二者间的调停角色。Your mind and various emotions are employed as the mediators between the two.

蒋回答说,要等外国进行调停的希望完全破灭,他才引退。Chiang answered he would do so when all hope of foreign mediation had vanished.

拥护者在策略智慧的调停方面,找到了他们的定位。Advocates find their calling on the mediational side of diplomatic intelligence.

玛莉和米克被牵涉入一宗捉奸案中,两人须抖颤在其中并尝试调停。Elsewhere, Mary and Mike intervene when a cheating husband is caught red-handed.

八国联军溃败,西方势力调停并结束了这场叛乱。The rebellion failed, however, when Western powers intervened and stopped the revolt.

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买方同意通过此处贵公司经理的调停,按下例条件代办此案。Buyer consent through your managerintermediation here with following alternative term.

据悉,英美法在G8峰会上也促请俄罗斯进行调停。It is reported that the common law at the G8 summit, also urged the Russian mediation.

这样一种谈判立法方式的合理性与越来越多的采用调停的合理性是一致的。The reasoning behind reg -neg is similar to that supporting the increased use of mediation.