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我不会念经,还是你比较重要,小和尚。Let me go, don't say no.

嘘,小声点儿。佛爷正在念经哪!Hush, be quiet. The monk is reciting sutras!

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先知在他自己的国家没有荣誉——外来的和尚好念经。A prophet is not without honor save in his own country.

你注意到和尚都是一再反复地念经了吗?Did you notice that monks chant scriptures over and over?

可以啊。但是对不起,我们要去念经了。Sure. But excuse me, we are going to chant Buddhist sutras now.

甚至与多智钦寺对立的人也会出钱请多智钦寺帮助念经。Even opponents of Dodrupchen monastery paid it to recite mantras.

当参加者躺在棺材内时,僧侣们就开始念经祈祷。While the participants lie in their coffins, monks chant prayers.

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每天我至少可以省出二个小时来念经和沉思。I can save two hours at least every day for chanting, to meditate.

然后他在第10章给出一段念经,这个很有趣。Then he gives some prescribed prayers in chapter 10, and it's interesting.

都说外来的和尚好念经,大概这句话是不错的。Say ab extra bonze good recite scriptures, probably this word is pretty good.

人们在这仿、念经拜佛、饮茶喝酒、尽情歌舞。People in this simulation, chanting Buddha, tea drinking, dancing and singing.

农夫死了妻子,邀请天台宗师傅给她念经超度。A farmer requested a Tendai priest to recite sutras for his wife, who had died.

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有时候,我就像念经一样不停重复着这些话,这的确很管用。Sometimes, I have to repeat this to myself like a mantra, but it works nonetheless.

会念经的人,不但会念有字的经,也会念无字的经。The Scriptures of the people, not only by reading a word, no words will be read by.

你不需要去想着禅宗心印和宇宙的意义更加不用念经。You don’t have to contemplate Zen koans or the meaning of the universe or chant anything.

和尚打坐念经的生活对许多习惯快节奏生活的现代都市人来说似乎很遥远。Buddhist monk may seem far-removed from the busy, gadget-packed daily buzz of modern life.

节日期间大家停止一切活动呆在家里,或出去听念经。Holiday period everybody stops all moving dull at home, or exits to listen to chant scripture.

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和尚非常恐惧,于是戒掉酒肉,好好念经。The monk fears very much, hence quit the wine meat, liking to like to chant Buddhist scripture.

这是黄口小儿念经式,亦谓之不人流也。This is the yellow-mouth children chanted Buddhist scripts, Yiwei the flow of people do not have.

殷为驴子的灵魂念经,还做法事减轻它的痛苦。Yin recited sutras for the dead donkey's soul, and performed ceremonies to release it from its suffering.