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福无双至,祸不单行。Troubles not go singly.

祸不单行。学英语有问必答。Misfortunes never come singly.

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“闪电从不打同一个地方”,与我们说的“福无双至,祸不单行”恰恰相反,这也是差异的一个有趣的体现。Lightning never strikes the same place twice.

这真像人们说的,祸不单行。Like what they say, it never rains but it pours.

我昨天真是祸不单行。老板把我炒鱿鱼,我太太又吵着要离婚。My boss fired me and my wife asked for a divorce.

祸不单行,经济灾难与政治混乱结伴同行。Economic disaster has coincided with political chaos.

但是,祸不单行,这家公司还将面对更多的麻烦。But that was only the beginning of the company's troubles.

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祸不单行的是男性,他们没有皈依于神。Misfortunes never come singly to men, and they did not to the gods.

我的汽车抛锚了,我又没带房门钥匙---真是祸不单行!My car broke down and then I locked myself out─it's just not my day!

玛丽昨天丢车,今天丢工作,真是祸不单行。Mary lost her car yesterday and her job today. It was a real double whammy.

一开始我的车抛锚了,接着我又把钥匙丢了,真是祸不单行。First my car broke down, and then I lost my key. It never rains but it pours.

祸不单行,北野武藏的围攻忽然如狂风骤雨般袭来。It never rains but it pours, kitano hid the siege suddenly like a storm raids.

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我昨天真是祸不单行。老板把我炒鱿鱼,我太太又吵着要离婚。Yesterday was a real double whammy. My boss fired me and my wife asked for divorce.

我弄破了我的指甲,紧身衣裤抽了丝,并误了火车-乎真是祸不单行。I broke a fingernail, laddered my tights and then missed my train– it seems it never rains but it pours.

我弄破了我的指甲,紧身衣裤抽了丝,并误了火车-似乎真是祸不单行。I broke a fingernail, laddered my tights and then missed my train – it seems it never rains but it pours.

另一方面,老实说,我们都知道有句话说,“祸不单行“On the other hand, you know, let's be honest here, we also know the expression, " "Misery loves company."

祸不单行,在这场失利中尤文门将布丰也因为背部受伤被迫下场。Along with the defeat, Juve also saw goalkeeper Gig Buffon forced from the field late on with a back injury.

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我的狗吃掉了我的家庭作业,还有我的电脑崩溃了.更糟的是,在那天晚上我生病了.真是祸不单行啊!My dog ate my homework, and my computer crashed. Even worse, I got sick that night! When it rains, it pours!

一天之内我丢了支票本,扯破了茄克衫,在门上夹伤了手指——真是祸不单行!I lost my cheque book, tore my jacket, and trapped my finger in a door all in one day-it never rains but it pours!

是什么唤醒了我呢,是我同学说的话——祸不单行——从中我受益很多。What aroused me, though, were the words from my classmates--It never rains, but it pours--from which I benefit a lot.