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是免费送吗?Is it free?

免费或收费?Free or fee?

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全部免费?Free to all?

免费样品。Free samples.

免费,太棒了!YAY For Free!

免费入场!Free Entrance!

嘿,免费馅饼!Hey, free pie!

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免费还是不免费?Free or Not free?

下载免费图标库!Free Icon Gallery !

免费邮件支持。Free email support.

免费是多此一举。Free is duplicable.

爱情,是免费的。So is amatory love.

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免费的电子杂志内容!Free E-zine Content!

公里数是免费的吗?Is the mileage free?

该软件是免费的。This software is free.

它可以免费搭车。He can travel for free.

在免费健康类排49名。No. 49 in free Fitness.

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尽量使用免费资源。Utilize free resources.

为何购买免费音乐?Why Pay for Free Music?

所有的工作都是免费的。All this work is gratis.