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象牙塔资产。Ivory tower assets.

单击您的资产。Click on your asset.

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发布您的资产。Publish your assets.

什么是资本性资产?。What is capital asset?

基于资产的开发。Asset-based development.

投资于资产演进。Investment in asset evolution.

这些实物资产都需要花钱来换取。All of them need to be paid for.

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但这些都是成长型资产。But those are all growth assets.

它属于一个资产注册表。It belongs to an asset registry.

这一资产社区是私有的。This asset community is private.

管理您的资产和工件。Manage your assets and artifacts.

卸载所有资产的组合。Unloads all assets in the bundle.

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你是自己最有价值的资产。You are your most valuable asset.

您不能在资产商店中购物。You cannot shop the asset stores.

第一项资产的预期收益率是。r1 Asset 1 has expected return r1.

是你占有你的资产,别让资产反过霸占了你。Don’t let your possessions own you.

任何人都不能没收他的资产。No one can sequestrate his estates.

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这些资产持仓量极为庞大。These asset positions are enormous.

那么如何才能避免资产泡沫呢?So how do you avoid an asset bubble?

资产价格和泡沫已经加速。Asset prices and bubbles have momentum.