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他们把电站修在小山往上一英里处。They built the power station a mile up the hill.

离它不远之外,小湾电站大坝会于2013年全面竣工。Further up, Xiaowan dam will be finished by 2013.

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该电站由三个发电机组组成。The station consists of 3 power-generating units.

船舶电站自动化系统技术条件。Specifications for marine generating plant automat.

你如何组织你的电站使它能保持安全?How do you organise your plant to sustain this safety?

电力是维持电站运转的血液。"Power is the lifeblood for a power plant," Denton said.

金沙江上将修建另一座电站。Another power station is being built on the Jinsha River.

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电站附近的铯-134和铯-137含量也超过标准4倍以上。Levels of cesium-134 and cesium-137 rose nearly fourfold.

地面太阳能电站则需要占用大片土地。Ground-based solar installations require huge tracts of land.

该国将考虑是否延长这几座电站的服役期。It will then decide whether to extend the lives of the plants.

图为甘肃省嘉峪关的燃煤电站。This is a coal-fired power plant in Jiayuguan, Gansu province.

船舶电站自动控制系统涉及面相当广。Automatic marine generator control system covers a large field.

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所以,所有的系统对于,一个正常的核能电站都是必须的。So all the systems that are necessary for a normal power plant.

桑塔克罗玛镇城的目标是建设3倍于现存容量的太阳能电站。The town’s goal is to build enough solar to triple its capacity

江垭电站地下厂房洞室群共有大小洞室33个。Jiangya underground powerhouse has 33 chambers in different size.

该项改进对本电站机电设备的安全运行起到了一定作用。This improvment takes an effect on safety operation of the units.

在条件适宜地区发展坑口电站。At suitable regions, mine mouth power plants could be constructed.

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所以,我们如何设计电站,如何得到批准,如何运行?So how do we get to the plant design, to licensing, to operations?

非金属夹杂物对电站转子锻件的质量产生重大的影响。The non-metal inclusion has a great effect on power rotor forgings.