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明矾可以澄清浊水。Alum will settle turbid water.

明矾可以澄清浊水。Cold water will settle coffee.

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明矾有许多用法,这只是其中一种。Alum has a lot of uses. This is only one of them.

首先从食品杂货店或者药店买一些明矾。Purchase alum from any grocery store or pharmacy.

也有人把一磅明矾加到了一满桶里边。Some use a pound of alum to a full pail of water.

这次整风,就是放一把明矾。The current rectification is like a dose of alum.

你在水里加一点明矾就能使水净化。You can clarify the water by adding a little alum.

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但如今明矾一类的化学媒染剂更受欢迎。But chemical mordants such as alum are popular today.

“青矾和明矾的药性”。"Green vitriol and aluminous property of a medicine ".

下面的步骤就是讲解如何用明矾来制作防火衣。The simple steps in how to use alum to fireproof is listed below.

但是化学腐蚀剂例如明矾现在很流行。But chemical mordents mordants such as allon alum are popular today.

把80克的明矾与7克的酒石乳用少量的热水混合在一起。Mix 80 grams alum with 7 grams of cream of tartar in a small amount of hot water.

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结论济南市早餐油条市场上存在着较为严重的明矾滥用现象。Conclusion Alum is abused severely in Fried bread stick of breakfast on the market of Jinan.

实验表明,复合无铝膨松剂完全可以取代传统的膨松剂明矾。The results indicated that the bulking agent without aluminum can replace the traditional alum.

但是现在化学金属腐蚀剂比如明矾也很流行。Wood ash , is one 1 example. But chemical mordents mordants such as Elam alum are popular today.

处理后的活性氧化铝可利用明矾、盐酸、硫酸铝作为再生试剂进行再生处理。Activated alumina also can be regenerated by using of alum, hydrochloric acid and aluminum sulfate.

第二只吃的是面粉,然而它也很快死了,因为面粉里掺了过量的明矾。The second is the only flour, but it soon died because of the excessive amount of flour Lishan alum.

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把一小块明矾放入混沌的水中,我们发现,水很快就澄清了。When we put asmall piece of alum into muddy water, we can see the alum can soonmake the water clear.

把一小块明矾放进混沌的水中,我们发现,水很快就澄清了。When we put a small piece of alum into muddy water, we can see the alum can soon make the water clear.

这是因为它们是由钾明矾,也叫做硫酸铝钾,这种矿物制成的。That’s because they’re made from a mineral known as potassium alum, also known as potassium aluminum sulfate.