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一只小狮子狗。A tiny, tiny little poodle.

狮子狗,博美狗,阿尔萨斯。The Poodle, the Pom, the Alsatian.

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日本新政府到底是狮子狗还是京巴?Japan's new government Poodle or Pekinese?

同时跻身前十名的还有狮子狗和西施犬。The Poodle and the Shih Tzu completed the top 10.

我们在农场,小狮子狗和我。And we're all over that farm, this little poodle and me.

路上唯一看得见的动物是宠物狮子狗。The only animals you see in the streets are pet pekinese.

接着奥布赖恩家的狮子狗来了,后来又来了一只陌生的牧羊狗。Next it was the O'Briens poodle and then a strange sheep dog.

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这位获奖的狮子狗是由普里西拉·普雷斯科特女士训练的。The prize-winning poodle was handled by Mrs. Priscilla Prescott.

我不想被拍到在公园和她的狮子狗在散步。I don't want my picture taken walking in the park with her poodle.

我牵出狮子狗的时候,长毛牧羊犬跳起来狠狠地抓门。When I took the Shih-Tzu out, the Collie jumped and scratched at the door.

例如狗,有狮子狗,狼狗,牧羊犬等等品种。For example, dogs have many species such as pekes, demi-wolves, shepherd dogs.

她也有三条狗——一条狮子狗、一条金毛猎犬和一条杰克罗素梗犬。She also has three dogs — a poodle, a golden retriever and a Jack Russell terrier.

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日本的一个超级狗狂欢节上,一只狮子狗正在跨越单杠。A Toy Poodle jumps over a crossbar during the Super Dogs Carnival in Tokorozawa, Japan.

最后这只痛得发疯的狮子狗越出了跑道,跳到主人的怀里。At last the frantic sufferer sheered from its course, and sprang into its master's lap.

它和拳师犬、狮子狗、猎鸟犬或其他镇上的狗格格不入。He was far out of place with the boxers, poodles, bird dogs, and other breeds of town dogs.

那些毛发蓬乱数日未浴的杂种狗,或是刚刚被香波浸泡过的狮子狗也会在人前晃悠。With luck dogs would come out too, rough-haired mutts or poodles with fresh-shampooed coats.

你必须挽救被卑鄙的对狗怀有敌意的人偷走和抓住的可怜的雌性狮子狗。You are to save the poor female poodles that were stolen and hold captive by mean dog enemies.

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朱莉娅,是一条由狮子狗和日本银狐杂交而成的小狗,她正穿着菲律宾的民族服饰等待出场。Julia, a Shih Tzu-Japanese Spitz cross, dressed in a native Filipino costume waits for her turn.

美国南达科他州,一只名叫“侦察员”的狮子狗正在进行哨声命令和找回猎物的训练。A hunting poodle named Scout practices following whistle commands and retrieving in Freeman, S.D.

那厚重的毛皮摸起来就像狮子狗,它还有着野生动物那种强烈的麝香味。The heavy fur on its neck felt like a poodle’s. It had the powerful musky smell of a wild animal.