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这样就关闭了椭圆。This closes the loop.

在盒盖的背面画一个椭圆。Draw an ellipse on the box.

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它是椭圆型的焦点。It's the focus of the ellipse.

十子头销变成椭圆了。The crosshead pin becomes oval.

灰色的椭圆表示属性。Gray ovals represent attributes.

椭圆表示统计节点。Ellipses represent statistical nodes.

去打开在沙发上的椭圆型的盒子。Go and open the oval box on the sofa.

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椭圆的另一个名字叫“卵形的”。Another name foran ellipse is an oval.

通常的室内田径场是一个400米长的椭圆。A typical outdoor track is a400 m oval.

从工具箱中选择椭圆工具。Select the Ellipse Tool from the Toolbox.

椭圆与双喇叭“发火”高频率。Elliptical horn with twin "EED" high freq.

挤椭圆约一半大小。Squish the ellipse to about half the size.

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高温下无畸形,椭圆型果。High temperatures, no deformity, oval fruit.

但椭圆星系可以非常巨大。Still, elliptical galaxies can be very large.

画点,线,椭圆,方形。能对画的主体进行移动位置。Can be moved to the location of the main draw.

创建另一个椭圆为瓢虫的头部。Create another ellipse for the ladybug's head.

怎样参数化空间上的椭圆曲线呢?Yes? How do you parametrize an ellipse in space?

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首先,让我们了解一下这些椭圆和线条的含义。First let's see whatthese ellipses and lines mean.

但是,你们知道,椭圆只是一个被压扁了的圆而已。But, you know, an ellipse is just a squished circle.

结果表明,冷旋近似椭圆封头是碟形封头。The result shows that the former is the dished heads.