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有没有投掷兵呢What about projectiles?

这是投掷兵可以重创敌军的时候了That's where they do it harm.

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现在我们可以,看到投掷的过程。And now we can watch the toss.

英雄级的基洛夫将投掷磁暴炸弹。Heroic Kirov's drop Tesla Bombs.

投掷回飞镖是一种危险的游戏。Boomeranging is a dangerous game.

一下子他感到命运又向他投掷出一支矛枪。He felt fate throw another shaft.

人们还可以向新娘投掷硬币。Small coins mey be thrown at her.

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有人向防暴警察投掷石块。Some threw stones at riot police.

袭击者还投掷了手雷。The attackers also hurled grenades.

在保龄球运动中投掷或滚球。To throw or roll a ball in bowling.

他向三柱门投掷一球,但未命中。He had a shy at the wicket but missed.

方阵中是没有投掷兵的These guys don't have any projectiles.

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投掷他们的头在活泼地跳舞。Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

那一个狠毒的男孩用石块投掷田鸡。The cruel boy threw stones at the frogs.

孩子们向过路轿车投掷石块。The boys were shying rocks at passing cars.

别越过那条线,否则你的投掷就会被判无效。Don't go over that line or your throw won't.

运动员如何将铅球投掷的更远?。How does the athlete throw the shot farther?

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孩子们互相投掷雪球。The children pelt each other with snowballs.

打死戈利亚斯的投掷物是块石头。The missile that killed Goliath was a stone.

一个不同点在于鹰式战斗机不投掷炸弹。One difference is the Eagle doesn't drop bombs.