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今晚这个将空头下去。It will be air-dropped tonight.

做一个空头并不容易。IT IS difficult being a short-seller.

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这一不对称性是空头的一大障碍。This asymmetry discourages short-selling.

援助和空头承诺的风险。The risk of aid-raiding and empty promises.

有一个空头押注该公司股票价格将下跌。A short seller bets that a stock price will fall.

你的空头许诺对于多疑的客户来说毫无用途。Your empty promises are lost on the skeptical consumer.

当两个指标下跌时,空头在主导,竹线是红色的。When both fall, bears are in control and the bar is red.

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事实上,空头并非金融巫婆。In reality, short-selling is far from being financial black magic.

主要看缺口压力强度,或者是延续下跌而判断空头的强势。Main gaps pressure strength, or extended drop short strong judgement.

总体仍处于下跌通道中,短期空头格局不变。Decreased overall still in channels, short-short pattern is unchanged.

通过买进或卖出来建立多头或空头仓位。The establishment of long or short position through buy-in or sell-out.

由于空头袭击可以自我验证,它们应处于控制之下。As bear raids can be self-validating, they ought to be kept under control.

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但总体仍处于下跌通道中,短期空头格局不变。But overall still is in the down channel, short-short pattern is unchanged.

所有这些限制,实际都没给空头施加太重的负担。None of these restrictions impose a really onerous burden on short-sellers.

而从郑棉高开低走的态势来看,空头更占优势。From Zheng cotton high low open view of the situation, short is more dominant.

这种影响力也使得苹果的股票成为了多头和空头交易的聚宝盆。This influence makes Apple a prized possession for both the longs and the shorts.

当2个指标同时下跌,它表明空头在砸盘。When both indicators fall together, they show that bears are crushing the market.

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毕竟,要是我们在股市上涨趋势中踏空,就会因持有空头而损失惨重。Heaven help me if we missed further upside or worse, got squeezed on the short side.

看起来空头回补带来的上涨如今可能正开始被真正的投资者买进取而代之。It appears that a short-covering rally may now be overtaken by real investor buying.

欧元可能出现一波空头回补,但如果更多风险浮现,那一切就都白搭了.The euro could see a short covering rally but all bets are off if there is more risk.