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受害比率。Victimization ratio.

受害的人不只是达克沃斯。Duckworth is not alone.

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倭国侵略受害国联合起来!Unite, nations invaded by Japan!

一羊生癣,群羊受害。The dogs herded the sheep together.

这次霜冻,受害的庄稼不少。A lot of crops were damaged by the frost.

一羊生癣,群羊受害。One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock.

法庭为受害方提供补偿。Courts offer aggrieved individuals remedies.

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受害最大者仍然是人类的大多数。Suffer the attributes are still most of mankind.

在上学时弄虚作假,你的收入就会受害。Cheat in your education, and your income suffers.

法庭作出判决认定受害方犯有共同过失。The court made a finding of contributory negligence.

如果我保持沉默,下一天受害的将是我的孩子。If I keep silent then the next day it will be my child.

叶上受害,叶背形成许多粒状虫瘿。Leaves the victims, many granular dorsal gall formation.

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工业不景气常常使工人受害。Industry depressions usually cause misery among the workers.

大部分类似事件发生往往源于受害方的过错。Most of these incidents were in some way the victim's fault.

中国是二战的受害国,几千万人在战争中不幸罹难。China as a victim of WWII, sacrificed millions of ppl in war.

祂流宝血为我受害,罪人惟此是赖。It tells me of His precious blood, The sinner's perfect plea.

本地方言可能是城市飞速发展的某个受害对象。One casualty of urban flight may be Shanghai's local dialect.

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像我们下面列出的,许多脆弱的吸毒者会受害。As we outline below, many vulnerable drug-takers would suffer.

应当承担对受害配偶的连带损害赔偿责任。He should undertake the duty of indemnity to the right spouse.

我们中10个HIV阳性的受害女性出庭作证。In court, 10 of us – all HIV positive – testified against him.