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我应邀参加了音乐会。I was invited to the concert.

第二章记述耶稣应邀参加一个婚筵。In chapter 2, Jesus attended a wedding.

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几天后,狐狸应邀而至,他发现食物都装在一个长长的瓶子里,而瓶口很细,他无法将他的大嘴伸进去,什么也吃不到。A few days later the fox visited the stork.

她将应邀再次与凯瑟琳联袂主演。She is to be costarred with Katherine again.

她开了一个应邀请人的名单。She made a list of the people to be invited.

他应邀去日本献艺。He was asked to demonstrate his talent in Japan.

昨天我应邀去了一个义卖会。I was invited to a bring-and-buy sale yesterday.

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应邀与陈红在温哥华餐厅吃饭。Invited to lunch at Vancouver Place by Chen Hong.

该机构的学生安妮·苏利文应邀提供帮助。A student there, Annie Sullivan, was asked to help.

客人应邀在不正常的时刻前来吃喝。One is called on to eat and drink at unnatural hours.

应邀去钓鱼台国宾馆作画。He was invited to paint at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

我应邀点算选票并且宣布获胜者。I was asked to count the ballots and announce the winner.

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伯纳有次应邀到朋友家吃晚餐,主人鲁宾盛情招待Bernard was invited to his friend Ruben's home for dinner.

你好,夫人。我叫吴京,我是应邀来贵公司***的。I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.

当然,我是一位经理,应邀参加会议。Certainly. Ym a manager. l'm invited to attend the meeting.

今年盛夏的一个傍晚,我应邀来到了阿廖沙的家。I was invited to Allyson' in the evening of this midsummer.

粉煤灰是应邀作为嘉宾的一枝黄花市的广播节目。Ash is invited as a guest on a Goldenrod City radio program.

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在四五年,卡拉斯是应邀到意大利。In nineteen forty-five, Callas was invited to perform in Italy.

温总理应邀赴柏林与默克尔总理会晤。At invitation, Premier Wen met with Chancellor Merkel in Berlin.

我是一家公司的总经理,应邀参加贵方的订货会。I'm the general manager and I'm invited to attend the Fair here.