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这是一个彻头彻尾的利己主义者。That is the perfect Egoist.

我是顽固的利己主义者。I was stubborn and egocentric.

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两者驱使他成为一个极端的利己主义者。Both drives him to become an extreme egoist.

日本政治带有利己主义和民粹主义的风气。Japanese politics is tainted with egoism and populism.

我是十足的利己主义者,女人只是帮我做梦的,仅此而已。I'm too much of an egoist. Women only help me to dream, that's all.

因此,我们将步入更加利己主义的社会。So over time, we're moving towards a much more individualistic society.

他们似乎是带著强烈的利己主义来爱这里的人和土地的。They seem to love the land and the people with a sort of fierce egoism.

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他们似乎是带著强烈的利己主义来爱这里的人和土地的。They seemed to love the land and the people with a sort of fierce egoism.

他们的金融利己主义是我们股东是站在一条线上的吗?Is their financial self-interest truly aligned with mine as a shareholder?

利己主义还可带来第三种的“不容忍”。There remains as a third category the intolerance caused by self-interest.

但同时苏联的民族利己主义也出现了恶性的膨胀发展。Meanwhile the national egoism had also been expanded and developed viciously.

利己主义的、有时毫无顾忌的一些个人都在强行改变步伐。And self-interested, sometimes unscrupulous, individuals are forcing the pace.

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被试的行为可以通过经济上的利己主义来解释。The participant's behaviour can be explained by simple economic self-interest.

但在关于落后者的批判中,也隐含了对“合理利己主义”原则的否定。But there was negation to "reasonable individualism" in animadversion to stragglers.

当利己主义获得了上风,许多人觉得越来越难去帮助别人。When egoism gains the upper hand, many people find it growingly hard to help others.

我很高兴,欧盟能调查谷歌违反反垄断法的利己主义倾向。I'm glad the EU will be investigating whether this favouritism violates anti-trust laws.

民族主义是一种错综复杂的历史现象,其本质是民族利己主义。Nationalism is a kind of intricate historical phenomenon, and its essence is a national egoism.

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言语冲突是校园中不可回避的一种社会文化现象,其实质是利己主义。Speech conflict is an inevitable social-cultural phenomenon at school and its nature is egotism.

他们风格各异,这一点在管理利己主义的聪明员工时很重要。They are also consensual in style, which is important when managing clever, self-regarding people.

采取恨一极意味着你成为不折不扣利己主义的人,被贪心、权力、欲望所驱使。Fear polarization means you become unconditionally self-centered, driven by greed, power, and lust.