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它具有较高的电荷密度。It is a high charged density.

然后我们得到了净电荷。And so now we have net charge.

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原子中心的电荷为e的Z倍。This is Z times e in the center.

原子核的电荷量是多少?What is the charge of the nucleus?

阳离子的电荷乘以。e The charge on the cation times e.

但是他发现了电荷分布。But what he found was a distribution.

我怎么知道它的电荷分布呢?How do I know its charge distribution?

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它们还是会掉下,尽管有电荷。They will fall regardless of the charge.

电子所带电荷应为。e The charge on the electron is minus e.

而q1等于钠离子所带电荷量。And, q1 is equal to the charge on sodium.

质子和中子构成电荷双重态。Proton and neutron form a charge doublet.

首先我们需要根据正确的电荷进行筛选。First we need to select for actual charge.

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那么氦原子核的电荷量是多少呢?So what is the charge on a helium nucleus?

国际单位制中的电荷单位是什么,库仑。What is the unit of charge in SI? Coulomb.

这将是元电荷的Z倍。This will be Z times the elementary charge.

同性的电荷互相排斥。Two like electric charges repel each other.

电流是每单位时间流动的电荷。The current is the charge flow per unit time.

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化学上说,这是电荷的最小单位。Chemically this is the smallest unit of charge.

那么,FC,我想大家都知道这是形式电荷。So, f c, I think you all know is formal charge.

两个电荷源互相抵消。The two sources of charge cancel each other out.