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不但如此,我还时常和她讲话。I also talk to her.

她不但会弹琴还会唱歌。She sings as well as playing piano.

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不但无过,而且还是有功的。Not only never, but also meritorious.

他不但是个卑鄙的人,而且是个蠢才。He is not only a mean man, but a fool.

花博不但充实我们的心灵。The Expowill not only enrich our souls.

他不但是一个事实,而且是活的事实。He is not only a fact, but a living fact.

选情不但胶着,并且越来越恶劣。The race is close and increasingly nasty.

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感抗不但有幅值,而且有相角,它是一个复数量。It has a magnitude as well as phase angle.

他不但学英语而且学法语。He learns not only English but also French.

我不但被折磨,还要失去记忆。I've got amnesia as well as being tortured.

因为朋友不但是您的也是我的还是大家的,抢先半步领先一路!So I'm saying you're still half a step off.

我不但接到了李先生的信,而且还接到了王先生的信。I have heard from Mr. Wang as well as Mr Li.

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不但是他,而且还有我都骑自行车上学。Not only he but also I go to school by bike.

不但素昧平生的人寄来了大量的礼物。Gifts poured in not only from unknown people.

我们不但要研究人们因何快乐。Let's not just study what makes people happy.

阿信,不但拥有帅气的外表,而且才华横溢。A Xin is not only handsome, but also talented.

她不但是我的妈妈,还是我的知心朋友呢!She is not only my mother, or my bosom friend!

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它不但有著高的压缩倍率,更有著丰富的功能。It has high coding gain and rich functionalities.

而有些乖戾的青少年却不但踢他,还偷他的钱。Mean-spirited teens kick him and steal his money.

结果是他们不但变轻了,而且更强壮与灵活了。The result is light but strong and very flexible.