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不过,想要利用震波图来量测爆炸当量,那就十分困难了。Using seismograms to determine the explosive yield is tougher, however.

当这种情况发生,震波穿过岩石的移动速度要比往常快。When this happens, seismic waves travel faster than usual through the rock.

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大型瓦斯罐由于受到爆震波的压挤破裂倒塌了。Prolonged pressure caused the sternum to snap in half and the ribs to break.

蛮子的跳斩距离相当的远,落地时仍有震波攻击。Barbarian's jumping attack covers quite a distance. Goes flying up staincase.

震波监测是我们获知地震发生的最快信息源。Seismic waves are the fastest way to get information out from the earthquake.

我马上凝聚精神在精神震波的核心点,闭上眼睛。I condense my spirit in the core of spiritual seismic wave, and close my eyes.

作为例子,文中计算了强爆震波绕薄楔时的等压线。As an example, the isobars are plotted for strong detonation waves passing over a wedge surface.

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对流把能量传给震波,将它推到更外层而触发爆炸。Convection carries energy to the shock wave, pushing it farther out and triggering an explosion.

在某些情况下,体外震波碎石术可以合并与其他形式的治疗。In some cases, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy may be combined with other forms of treatment.

爆震风已有效地停止了,于是空中爆震波的直接破坏作用就完结了。The blast wind has then effectively ceased and the direct destructive action of the air blast is over.

因为无空蚀产生,震波于除气水中的聚焦压力比用自来水来的大。Because of cavitation, the focused peak pressures in tap water were lower than those in degassed water.

文中考虑三种主要的损坏机制,即断层错动、震波传递、以及土壤液化。Three major damage mechanisms, namely fault rupture, wave propagation, and soil liquefaction, are considered.

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水中结构物受震波与气泡的综合影响,能产生极大的损害。If marine structures were subjected to the combine influences of shock and bubble, a serious damage can happed.

这项升级先祝提升同化者,分解者,震波部队,杂交部队和掠夺者的移动速度。This upgrade significantly increases the speed of Assimilators, Disintegrators, Shock Troops, Cultists and Ravagers.

爆震波多管点火技术适合用于多燃烧室液体火箭发动机的同步点火。The detonation wave ignition technique is suitable to synchronization ignition of multi-chamber liquid rocket engine.

正刚她要换尿布时,房子被我们未经历过可怕的震波所摧毁。Just as she was about to change it, the house was struck by a formidable shock, unlike anything we'd ever experienced.

近地核爆所造成的立即破坏,主要来自威力强大的震波、强风和酷热。Any immediate destruction wreaked by a near-earth burst comes from pulverizing shock waves, violent winds and hellish heat.

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总的说来,在受到强烈加速震波冲击时,混凝土大坝表现是很好的。In general, it can be concluded that concrete dams have performed very well when subjected to high intensity accelerations.

震波相分析指出,新生代后期之沈积物主要在近海环境生成。Seismic facies analysis indicates that late Cenozoic sediments were deposited mainly in the fluvial-nearshore environments.

小罐产生了高达6.9级的内震波,但它并没有在地震活跃的阿留申群岛诱发地震。Cannikin had a body wave magnitude of 6.9 and it did not trigger any earthquakes in the seismically active Aleutian Islands.