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而任何事一旦具体了就很容易找出它的纰漏之处。Once concreted, it is easy to find the careless mistake.

或者该问,“我怎么做才能确保自己的决策不出纰漏?”" and, "Am I doing enough to manage the risk around my decisions?

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现在,有机会改正这一纰漏了,我们必须抓住这一机会。Now we have a chance to rectify that omission, and we must seize it.

许多个人和机构的杠杆押注后来都出了纰漏。Many people and institutions made leveraged bets that have since gone sour.

“整版”假票仿真度虽高,但也有不少纰漏。"Full page" fake tickets, while high degree of simulation, but there are a lot of flaws.

毋庸置疑,不受抑制,过度膨胀的政府才是产生纰漏的根源。Needless to say, it is the unchecked and overinflated government that is causing the mischief.

但与此同时,某些方面可能会出纰漏——这就是危机中事态发展的不可预测性。But in the meantime, something might give – such is the unpredictability of events in a crisis.

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然而,状态对于计算来说是如此基础的信息,因此您永远也无法预料它会在哪个地方出纰漏。However, state is so fundamental to computation that you can never predict where it will leak out.

李明博那一派在上周的选举中出了纰漏,失去了大部分市政议席。Mr Lee's party fluffed last week's elections, losing the majority they held among municipal seats.

这些都是我想到的,可能会有纰漏。在下面添加你的想法,来帮助我改进。So that's what I've come up with, faults and all. Help me improve it byadding your thoughts below.

许多你接触的人,在许很长时间辰也会不喜欢、贬损、不放在眼里或纰漏你。Most of the people you deal with will dislike, disparage, belittle, or ignore what you say or do most of the time.

“你的白色谎言在这个故事中有很多纰漏,”奥斯汀说,“不完善的谎言,但这只是暂时的。"Your white lies are more gaps in the story, " says Austin. "Not fully fledged lies, but it's only a temporary position.

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也因为一些幕后暗箱操作被纰漏受到国家广电总局的限制,选秀时代随之衰落。But also because of some behind the scenes black-boxoperation is flawed SARFT restrictions followed the decline of draft age.

以上论证的唯一的纰漏就在于在巴以和平进程的历史上从未有足够证据能够为这种观点提供支持。The only problem with this argument is that there is scant evidence to support it in the history of Arab-Israeli peacemaking.

然而,守得越久,出纰漏的机会也会就越大,成功解救人质的机会也就越渺茫。And the longer it takes, the odds of things could go awry gets bigger, and the chance of net a favorable outcome looks slimmer.

可是,一名有技巧的告白创意人可以将产物原被纰漏的独特之处体现出来,从而引发人们领有的情欲。But a skilled advertising man can present previously overlooked virtues in a product in a way that will make people reach for it.

发现这一问题的科学家表示,某些新闻报道在引用一篇论文时出现纰漏,而联合国的报告照搬了错误数据。Scientists who identified the mistake say the IPCC report relied on news accounts that appear to have misquoted a scientific paper.

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除非监管以及法律体系独立出来,那种不到惹出纰漏就对问题坐视不理的情况肯定会一直持续下去。Until the regulatory and judicial systems become independent, there will always be an incentive to ignore problems until they explode.

这份报告同时还纰漏了在其18个月调查中的其他细节以及委员会举办的超过700场面谈中所获得的信息。The report also shares other details and opinions from the more than 700 interviews the panel conducted during its 18-month investigation.

大众普克维茨处于一个曾经在过去数十年遭受环境纰漏巨大痛苦的地区。Volkswagen Polkowice is situated in a region which has suffered greatly from environmental neglect over the course of the last few decades.