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两只宝珠般的圆眼,放射出白光。Sarah-like round eyes, emits white light.

丁香在回家的路上碰到宝珠,宝珠说珍珠事了。Clove encounter on the way home, orb said pearl.

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宝珠只好带她到学校去等德明放学,香琴硬要德明回萧家。Baozhu has no choice but to bring her to Deming's school.

吸引像吴宝珠这样雄心勃勃的人回国将是一个开端。Luring back high-fliers such as Mr Chau would be a start.

活力宝珠的进阶物品处将不再显示精神之貌了。Rejuvenation Bead no longer lists as building into Spirit Visage.

这个由如意宝珠形成的地球能量网格如今即将完成。This Cintamani energy grid around the planet is now almost complete.

宝珠电器,世界上最小温控器缔造者!Baozhu Electric Appliance, the smallest-size thermal protector in China!

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宝珠有神奇力量,可以呼风唤雨,随心所欲。Those pearls have supernatural power which can make your dreams cone true.

宝珠和司徒伟强请程兰来参观自己的小家,还请她在这里吃饭。Orb and SiTuWeiJiang Cheng Lan visit your home, also asked her to eat here.

珍珠要来了床位,将母亲丢给丁香和宝珠等人就去上班了。Pearl to the bed, to throw it to the clove and treasure her mother went to work.

王度却说建海和佳珍是真心相爱的,叫宝珠不要拆散他们。Wang Du asks her not to separate them as they are genuinely in love with each other.

这些宝珠所有的神圣美质,应向道德黑暗的人间大放光芒。In all their divine beauty they are to shine forth in the moral darkness of the world.

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慈悲是一颗如意宝珠,它具有疗效的光芒射向四面八方。Compassion is the wish-fulfilling gem whose light of healing spreads in all directions.

当宝珠的二儿子建海娶了佳珍后,孤立无助的秋桦有了方案。When the second son of sea pearls married better built, the helpless after Jane a scheme.

佳珍要求宝珠让她和建海重新开始,并说她对建海是真心的。Jiazhen begs Baozhu to let them start all over again and tells her she is true to Jianhai.

这些宝珠故事虽然已经中国化,但仍然与佛经有着密切的关系。Though, these stories on moni bead are Chinese, they are still related with sutra's stories.

两人到了司徒家,宝珠发现他家里布置得十分高雅整洁。Two people went to the house of Stuart, orb found him home decorate a very elegant and tidy.

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所罗门王、亚历山大大帝、阿克巴大帝都曾经持有如意宝珠。King Solomon, Alexander the Great and Akbar were in possession of a piece of Cintamani stone.

打开漂亮精致的珠宝盒,出现在你面前的是成串的4色宝珠。Open beautiful and fine jewel box, appear BE bunchy 4 color treasure beadses in your in front.

在即将到来的3.2.2版本中,我们打算在达拉然的凯旋纹章商人中加入“十字军宝珠”,售价为15枚凯旋纹章。In the upcoming patch 3.2.2 we plan to make Crusader Orbs purchasable for 15 Emblems of Triumph.