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我为自己分分秒秒疏漏万物向时间致歉。My apologies to time for all the world I overlook each second.

一名负责人已经表示,故宫的安保措施确实存在疏漏。One official has already said that there was a lapse in security.

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但他们的疏漏也使得本书太过粗略而难以服众。Their absence results in a book that is too crude to be convincing.

亚里士多德论及,共同所有权等同于一种共同的疏漏。Common ownership, Aristotle argues, will mean a sort of common neglect.

时贤的两部有关焦山石刻和碑林研究的论著中,存在一些文字上的疏漏。However, two contemporary essays on Jiaoshan Forest of Steles have some errors.

这只是关于七月派研究的许多疏漏之一。This is just one of the many careless oversights concerning July School studying.

尽管在诊断程序操作有疏漏和错误,他仍然是一个典型病例。His case was a classic one in depicting omissions and mistakes in program operations.

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唯有西格公司在产品生产过程中采用自主设备严控质量关,对任何疏漏不留出机会。Only Seaguar controls the products in their own facilities, nothing is left to chance.

此后,他开始直接向行政总裁,以帮助防止类似疏漏。Thereafter, he began reporting directly to the CEO to help prevent similar oversights.

唐亚当斯所饰演的特工86号以他不断的疏漏闻名于世。Don Adams made Agent 86 famous with his character's constant slip-ups and incompetence.

我们就不能包容奥威尔的一些“疏漏”?毕竟重要的是看书中为我们传达出的真实和价值。Should we grant Orwell his elisions , since what matters is present and vital on the page?

地处上海市区的江湾湿地是上海“城市化”过程中的一个“疏漏”。The Jiangwan wet land in Shanghai City is an "oversight" of Shanghai's "urbanizing" process.

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疏漏越多,说明需要更多的文档用来交流管理。The more oversight, the more the need exists for documentation to communicate to management.

这些爆炸与过去六个月来巴格达发生的其它重大安全疏漏类似。The explosions were similar to other major security lapses in Baghdad in the past six months.

他对他的练习题检查得很仔细,每次他都总要确保不疏漏每一个知识要点。He is so careful that he always looks over his exercises to make sure there are no differences.

比如一个杂乱的环境给人混乱,组织混乱和疏漏。For instance a cluttered environment gives the impression of chaos, disorganisation and sloppiness.

审题时的疏漏会导致作文失败,写作成绩不理想。Students′oversight in the course of topic exploring will lead to the failure of their compositions.

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欣儿自责本人的疏漏致使吴珊珊昏迷,在孙浩的提示下,常去照顾吴珊珊。The era of my son the WuShanShan coma, in oversight SunHao tips, often go to take care of WuShanShan.

几个中国牛奶场被怀疑在有毒乳制品散布上的有疏漏。Several Chinese dairies are suspected of negligence in allowing the distribution of tainted milk products.

在未来快节奏的工作环境中,人们惜时如金,容不得半点疏漏。In tomorrow's fast-paced business environment there will be precious little time to correct any misunderstands.