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一点都不明显。Not at all obvious.

协同效应非常明显。Very cooperatively.

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很明显什么都干不了。Nothing, apparently.

这明显是一个骗局。It’s an obvious hoax.

一个明显的长大衣。A distinctly long coat.

这是一次明显的犯规。This is an obvious foul.

但是进步是明显的。Yet progress is evident.

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他的情况明显的好。His conditions shined out.

那些作为明显很过分。It was obviously excessive.

他们明显的表现出了担心。Their apprehension evident.

很明显我们还没聊太多。Obviously not talk too much.

这很明显是额外糟糕。That's clearly an extra-bad.

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他们的风流韵事变得明显了。Their romance was blossoming.

玛贾克的声音明显透露出紧迫感。There's urgency in his voice.

男学生明显比女学生常运动。Boys exercise more than girls.

他脸上明显露出贪婪的表情。Greed was written on his face.

她亟于想去是很明显的。Her anxiety to go was obvious.

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经受了那次打击,她明显地见老了。The blow had aged her visibly.

喉垂十分明显。The dewlap is very pronounced.

很明显,这种做法有一个限度。Obviously, this reachs a limit.