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即便是受伤也要实事求是。Be truthful even if it hurts.

我祖父是位很实事求是的人。My grandfather was a very down-to-earth man.

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她实事求是,心胸开阔,快活。She was truthful, open-hearted and cheerful.

对于我们获胜的可能性,我们要实事求是。We have to be realistic about our chances of wining.

但实事求是地说,他们能做的也就那么多。But realistically, there is only so much they can do.

他们必须对情况做个实事求是的估量。They had to give a sober assessment of the situation.

刚出校门的大学生应实事求是College graduates should be realistic about their value.

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她是实事求是的人,但仍然兼具幽默感与怪诞意识。She is pragmatic but she still has a kooky sense of humour.

而处女座通常被认为代表了智慧和实事求是的精神,但又不乏过于吹毛求疵。While Virgos are intelligent, practical but overly critical.

就我所知,他们实事求是的言论没有一条被人反驳。As far as I know, none of their factual assertions have been refuted.

实事求是的说,测量参数也只是低音炮评估的一部分。Naturally measurements are only one part of the subwoofer evaluation.

“我认为人们都有自己的选择,会实事求是,会安全至上。”他说道。"I think people will be self-selecting, practical and safe, " he said.

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没有步伐一小我私家与他的鼻子在氛围中可以或许实事求是。There is no way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.

他是个实事求是的人,不会因为自己人的战败而妄自菲薄。He was pragmatic enough to take no insult from the defeat of his people.

这种实事求是的思想是不会告诉你如何赚快钱的。Such pragmatic thinking lacks the sizzle and punch of get-rich-quick advice.

实事求是有冒牌货,谨防假冒,所以呢,非有防伪标志不可。To warn everyone about that, an anti-counterfeit label must be attached to it.

实事求是地讲,关键的问题就是由男女性别分散造成的。In practice, the single-sex question is a distraction from what really matters.

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现在,我们没有理由不让实事求是凌驾于其他一切意识形态之上了。Now, we have no reason not to seek truth from facts above all other ideologies.

实事求是地详细,土色调插图注意力集中在每一个场景。Realistically detailed, earth-toned illustrations focus attention on each scene.

贯穿在戴震哲学中的精神是“实事求是”的精神。And the spirit pierce through Dai Zhen"s philosophy is "Seekingtruth from facts".