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在前天发布会上,我已经就此回答了记者的提问。I have answered that question Tuesday.

我们前天回来的。We came back the day before yesterday.

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昨天和前天都下雨了。It rained yesterday and the day before.

日落前天晴了。And before sunset the skies have cleared.

不用担心,您的玉音我已于前天收到。Don't worry, I have received your letter.

晴朗的一天前天我们去了日内瓦。The day before yesterday I went to Geneve.

我希望星期日前天能转晴。I hope the weather clears up before Sunday.

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我们到达城镇之前天已经黑了。It grew dark before we arrived at the town.

他前天被开除教籍了。He was excommunicated the day before yesterday.

他们都很好,前天晚上我还看见他们的。Yes, very well. I saw them the night before last.

前天,我的父亲给了我一个任务。The day before yesterday my father gave me a tast.

前天,面试的韦博设计公司。The day before yesterday, the interview Wiebe design.

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前天晚上,他们就舍电暖器而就我。Cause the other night, they chosed me over the heater.

这张银行票据前天到期了。This note to the bank matured the day before yesterday.

我前天看到她的时候她气色看起来很好。I saw her the day before yesterday and she looked great.

这肯定是前天晚上我没找着的那杯酒。This must be the drink I couldn’t find night before last.

前天我们预订了六间三人房。We reserved six rooms for three the day before yesterday.

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前天我去北京饭店检查上月份的账目。I went to the Beijing Hotel to check last month's accounts.

前天开始,手提电脑就一直连不上无线网路。Since Monday, my laptop has been giving me shit with wireless.

这栋教学大楼是前天竣工的。This teaching building was completed the day before yesterday.