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你所定的比铲饼总额为170元。Your order comes to 170 yuan.

把第二笔总额加在第三笔总额上。Add the second total to the third.

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养老金缺口总额近9700亿美元。It totals nearly 97 billion dollars.

每个月他都把出口销售总额过入总帐。He posted up export sales every month.

总额是五十四块钱。The total comes to fifty-four dollars.

请在2天内缴清总额。Please clear your payment within 2 days.

雀巢2010年销售总额将近110亿瑞士法郎。Nestlé sales for 2010 were almost CHF 110 bn.

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值得申报的应纳税收益总额。The amount of gain reportable and subject to tax.

IDA贷款额占世行贷款总额的近40%。IDA accounts for nearly 40 percent of our lending.

外贸出口总额跃居首位。The total export of foreign trade leaps to the first.

他们想使商店的销售总额增加至五倍。They want to quintuple the total sales of their shop.

她的资产总额仅为640英镑,而她的负债总额为24,000英镑。Her assets are only 640 as against liability of 24000.

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进帐总额将达一千美元。The money collected will aggregate a thousand dollars.

上一个赛季里,香港彩民的赌马下注总额是多少?How much was bet on Hong Kong's horses this past season?

而发廊的消费则占了这个总额中的四亿!Salons accounted for four-hundred million of this total.

而发廊的花费则占了这个总额中的四亿!Salons accounted for four-hundred million of this total.

其总额将达到一亿三千万美元。The total will reach one hundred thirty million dollars.

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司库携公司工资总额之部分潜逃了。The treasurer decamped with part of the company's payroll.

投标总额为648.8亿元,比出售价高出2.1倍。Bids totaled 64.88 billion yuan, 2.1 times the amount sold.

现在对其他新兴经济体的出口占到了中国出口总额的的半壁江山。Half of China’s exports now go to other emerging economies.