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艾贝是个医科学生。Abe was a medical student.

她医科毕业。She graduated in medicine.

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他改学医科,于1980年毕业。He switched to medicine and graduated in 1980.

大卫是那家人的儿子,即将入读医科学院。David was the son and he was going to medical school.

公立医院无法吸纳所有医科生。Public hospitals cannot recruit all medical students.

一些医科学校也会给学生配发智能手机。Some medical schools issue students with smartphones.

成为在中国注册产品的医科达公司专家。Be the Elekta expert for products registrations in China.

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遍布整个国家的医科学校开始慎重着眼这个调查。Medical schools across the country began eyeing this researchwarily.

我见过许多上医科预备课程的学生趣味索然地苦撑。I see many students taking pre-medical courses with joyless tenacity.

Buffalo大学医科学生,是本文的协作者。Seth Gemme, a UB medical student, is corresponding author on the paper.

他的母亲是奥国率先学习医科的妇女之一。His mother is Austrian took the lead in studying medicine, one of the women.

我读过一年医科,所以我可能会去做类似于医生那样的事。I did one year of medical school, so I was kind of going for the doctor thing.

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可是我要的不只是这样,我希望专攻音乐,不想念医科。However that is not all I want. I want to specialize in music instead of medicine.

在医科院校实践教学中临床教学管理和基地建设是关键。Teaching management and teaching base development are the key to clinical teaching.

他是一位泌尿科医生,隶属于位于休斯顿的贝勒医科学院。Brantley Scott, a urologist affiliated with the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

她遇害那晚,带回家的男人是个医科学生,名叫蔡德鲁。On the night she died, the manshe brought home was a medical student named Andrew Capra.

我在西雅图长大后来进了华盛顿大学。先是读生物的本科后来成了医科学生。I grew up in Seattle and went to the University of Washington for a total period of 8 yrs.

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大儿子,21岁的医科生穆罕纳德,在前线参加战斗。Muhannad, his elder son, a twenty-one-year-old medical student, was fighting at the front.

并以景观化校园理念为理论基础进行廊坊东方大学城医科园的校园景观规划设计。The planning of Lang Fang Orient medical campus bases on the idea of the landscape campus.

比方放弃在芝加哥的工作,放弃一切,决定留下来攻读医科学校。Like giving up my job in Chicago and everything, and deciding to stay and apply for med school.