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鸟儿们在雪裡瑟缩栖息著。And birds sit brooding in the snow.

他在那里显得瑟缩不安。He appeared numbed and uneasy there.

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我瑟缩在屋子里,感觉比冬天更冷。Huddled in the house, feeling colder than the winter.

他的心在这金字塔状巨物前瑟瑟缩缩。His heart quailed before the enormous pyramidal shape.

朋友,当你瑟缩于一角的时候,有没有欣赏夜阑人静时的美丽?。Oh my friend, do you ever appreciate the quiet of night?

朋友,当你瑟缩一角的时候,有没有欣赏夜阑人静时的美丽?On my friend, do you ever appreciate the quiet of night?

孩子瑟缩地退了出来,门立即关上了。The child recoiled from the door, and it closed upon her.

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轻风沿着窗口袭来,我手上拿着的叶子在瑟缩的颤动。The breeze along the window came, I hold in my hand the leaves in the huddle.

那孩子正在晨寒中瑟缩,但他知道马上他就会开始划船了。He was shivering with the morning cold. But he knew the soon he would be rowing.

他想起了她瑟缩在他的怀里,她快乐叫着哆嗦着。He remembered her trembling uncertainty in his arms, her shocked cries of pleasure.

一阵凉风吹来,锦绣打了个喷嚏,身子瑟缩了下。A explode of cool breeze is beat, the rich brocade blow a sneeze, the body Se shrunk bottom.

她于是一笑,虽然颜色冻得红惨惨地,仍然瑟缩着。Although her petals turned a mournful crimson because of coldness, she smiled, still shivering.

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在凤凰山的顶上,我们瑟缩于无情的北风之中。We were shivering at the merciless northerly winds up on the very peak of the Phoenix Mountain.

没有人愿意活在黑暗里,偷偷摸摸压抑自己的情感瑟缩着像罪恶的吸血鬼。No one wants to live in the dark, in a sneaky way to suppress their feelings or as evil vampire.

渴望寻找一个温暖的地方,静静地一个人呆着,不至于为瑟缩的深秋过于悲伤。Desiring to have a warm place, I could stay alone quietly without being too sad about the late autumn.

你们偶然看见一棵花生瑟缩地长在地上,不能立即辨出它有没有果实。If ever you come across a shy peanut plant you cannot immediately tell whether or not it has any nuts.

残荷,摇曳于清秋。淡淡的香风,依然瑟缩着一个纯洁的梦幻。Remaining lotus sway in clear autumn. In the faint fragrant breeze, a pure dream still curls up and shivers.

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当你绝望无望,瑟缩于一角的时候,你是否察觉在你头上的几盏明灯,一直为你照亮?When you were in despair and cringed , do you ever conscious of several beacons illuminate continuously for you?

她于是一笑,虽然颜色冻得红惨惨地,仍然瑟缩着。Then the little pink flowers smile, though they have turned a mournful crimson with cold and are shivering still.

在一个角落里,一个小男孩正在售卖报纸,在这严寒的天气,人们都瑟缩著身体,匆忙的在赶路。A little boy was selling newspapers on a corner, people were hurrying about, hunched against the bitter, winter cold.