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您可以放置一个诡雷在泰矿柱上。You can plant a Booby Trap on a Tiberium Spike.

小矿房、小矿柱的房柱法。Room-and pillar mining method with small room and pillar.

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矿柱的稳定性是影响矿山生产安全的重要因素。The stability of pillars is a very important factor to mining safety.

两队机枪兵应该保护游戏玩家你的矿柱免受蜂群的袭击。The 2 Riflemen should protect your Tiberium Spike from Buzzer attacks.

如果不采矿柱矿山经济效益将急剧滑坡。Ifthe jamb -mine isn'texploited, theeconomic benefit will godownrapidly.

另外,还详细讨论了矿柱顶点的深度与长度之间存在的关系。Relation between the depth and the length of rock pillar is discussed in detail.

放一个诡雷在上面,以防万一你的对手占领矿柱也是个不错的主意。Placing a Saboteur bomb on it in case he tries to recapture the spike is also a good idea.

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用尾砂分层充填法回采矿柱,取得了很好的经济效果。Excellent results were obtained in mining of pillars using tailings in horizontal cut-and-fill.

顶板冒落、巷道底鼓和矿柱破坏是采矿过程中的重要岩石力学问题。Roof falling, floor heave of roadway and pillar failure are important rock mechanical problems in mining.

在空区未充填的情况下回采矿柱,矿柱与采空区顶板的稳定性是一个关键问题。The stability of the ore pillar and the roof is a key issue in the pillar recovery in unfilled mined-out area.

一次钻孔分段爆破的新工艺已成功地应用到天井掘进和矿房、矿柱的回采方面。A new technique of the long-hole blasting has been used in raising and prospecting of the rooms and the pillars.

从我矿资源和矿柱回采实际情况出发,总结了近十几年来用留矿法回采底柱的实践经验。Practical experiences with shrinkage mining method for pillar extraction over the pust ten years were summarized.

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他们有多种用途,比如侦察,反步兵清建筑或是快攻矿柱。There are many ways of using them such as Scouting, Anti-Infantry clearing structures or rushing Tiberium Spikes.

矿柱应力分布函数的拟合检验是矿柱结构可靠度分析的基础。Tests of fit for distribution functions of stress in pillars are the base of the reliability analysis for pillars.

壁式无矿柱采矿首先是在煤矿推行,金属矿还未实现壁式无矿柱采矿。The method of wall mining without pillars was first used in coal mine. In the metal mine it has not been used yet.

介绍了含砷低品位硫化铜矿柱浸实验研究方法、装置和结果。The method, experimental equipment and results of column leaching were presented for low-grade copper sulfide ore.

大多数玩家忘记带有导弹小队的散兵坑可以对扩张点和泰矿柱造成巨大的伤害。Most players forget that foxholes with missile squads in can cause serious havoc to expansions and tiberium spikes.

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顶板冒落、巷道底鼓和矿柱破坏是采矿过程中的重要岩石力学问题。Roof falling, floor heave of roadway and pillar failure are important problems of rock mechanics in mining process.

一旦你卖了基地车,把得到的民兵小队和破坏者派到最近的矿柱占领它。Once you sell your MCV, take the Militia Squad and Saboteur to the nearest Tiberium Spike and attempt to capture it.

将外界扰动载荷假定为谐波形式,建立了矿柱岩爆的双尖点突变模型。The outside perturbation load hypothesis is the overtone form, which has established the catastrophe model of double cusp.