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我刚刚看了一部精彩的功夫片。I've just seen a marvelous Kungfu movie.

这500部电影不能光靠功夫片和喜剧片。We cannot make 500 films based only on kung fu and comedy.

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我的老师很聪明,但是他喜欢情节简单的功夫片。My teacher is very smart, but he likes simple action movies.

中国电影集团公司当然也出品过爱情片、灾难片、战争片和功夫片。CFG spins tales of love, disaster, war and kung fu, of course.

但他们喜欢古装片、爱情片、战争片和功夫片。But they do like costume dramas, romances, war stories and kung-fu films.

通常,我们提起泰国电影就会想到功夫片和恐怖片。Usually when we consider Thai movies we think of kungfu flicks and horror films.

琼的确喜欢动作片,并且她常去看中国功夫片。June really likes action movies, and she often goes to see Chinese action movies.

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猛烈风格的功夫片被一种更温柔更流畅的风格取代,即使是打斗,也很平静,没有了莫明的怒火。Hard kungfu is replaced by a softer, more flowing style, and aimless anger by peace, even in battle.

无论是在剧情片、喜剧片还是功夫片中,女影星主演的角色都前所未有地受欢迎。Whether it be in melodramas, comedies or kungfu movies, the popularity of women lead roles was unprecedented.

在练琴房外,周杰伦平庸无奇,与同龄的孩子一样被功夫片和电视游戏所吸引。Outside the practice room, Chou was stubbornly average, caught up in the same kungfu movies and video games as the rest of the teens.

多年前,我收到一个午餐的邀请,请我的人是功夫片影星李连杰的前武术教练吴斌。Several years ago, I was invited for lunch by a man named Wu Bin, who was the former martial arts coach of the kung fu movie star Jet Li.

谁能想到,这部加字幕的外语功夫片能进入美国主流影院,并一路问鼎奥斯卡?。Who would have thought a subtitled, foreign language kungfu movie would make it into mainstream American cinema and all the way to the Oscars?

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因为中国片子以前总是停留在功夫片这个层面上,而这部片子在功夫片之外还具有一些非常微妙的东西。It's so different, even for Chinese, I think it's very like a lot of subtle things, it's like beyond the KongFu movie, what Chinese stayed before.

“许多学生最后选择从事电视或者电影艺术,”她补充道,“学生们的武功底子好,可以参加出演功夫片。“A lot of our students end up on television or in the movies,” she added. “There are a lot of martial-arts movies, and our students are all good at martial arts.

这是为什么央视尽播翻炒的经典功夫片和清代电视剧,而电影则总是古装片。It's the reason why CCTV's schedules are dominated by recycled kung fu classics and Qing dynasty soap operas and why moviemakers remain in thrall to the costume drama.

1954年出生在香港并从小作为武师培养的成龙,在1978第一次取得电影上的重大突破,开喜剧功夫片风格之先。Born in Hong Kong in 1954 and trained as a martial artist from childhood, Jackie Chan's first major film breakthrough in 1978 gave rise to the new genre of comic kungfu.

此影片情节扑朔迷离,比镜子迷宫有过之而无不及,但传奇的主人公和顶尖的阵容让这出天马行空的功夫片成为观赏的盛宴。The story has more twists and turns than a maze of mirrors, but the larger than life characters and top-notch cast make this kungfu filled celluloid wonder a real treat.

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在一个有趣的梦中,我们看见明身着清朝服饰,周围是漂亮的古时候的场景,上演了一出好似功夫片的短剧。In an entertaining sequence, we see Ming in Qing period costume in beautiful ancient Chinese settings, playing out a short drama in the style of a Chinese kungfu TV series.

此外,他们还计划将电影做成一部东方的功夫片并邀请吴宇森为导演,吴宇森在西方以其暴力美学风格著称。Elsewhere, they plan to pare the two parts down to one action-oriented film and play up its director, John Woo, who is well-known in the West for his cinematic shoot'em-ups.

王家卫为一般不看动作片的观众制作了一部功夫片,为讨厌含蓄电影的观众制作了一部文艺片。Mr. Wong has made a martial-arts film for people who typically wouldn't go to see an action movie, and an art-house film for audiences who resist ambiguity in their cinematic experiences.