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我可以强逼自己喝下。I can force myself.

我不要再忍耐和强逼自己忘记从前。Do not let me alone, plz.

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朝鲜此前惯于利用咄咄态势来强逼进行谈判。The North has previously used aggression to force negotiations.

他们会在每个机会学东西,你不用强逼他们。They WILL learn something at every opportunity you don't have to force it.

阮乔见状叫儿子道歉,但逸升不想强逼他。Ruan Joe rushed told his son to apologize, but l don't want to make him escape.

成瘾性药物的合法化,绝不会强逼人们吸毒成性。The legalization of addictive drugs would in no way force individuals into the habit.

亚摩利人强逼但人住在山地,不容他们下到平原。The Amorites confined the Danites to the hill country, not allowing them to come down into the plain.

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对纯真意图念不能匹敌的强逼现象,可以采取“步履匹敌疗法”辅佐更正。Simply can not fight with the idea of forced phenomenon, can "act against the therapy" to help correct.

我觉得Tina会花时间去慢慢了解她的女儿,不会强逼她做任何东西。I think Tina would take the time to try to get to know her daughter and not try to force anything upon her.

吴殿元女士和王秀英女士以住曾是邻居,他们两人都是2001年强逼拆迁的受害者。Ms. Wu Dianyuan and Ms. Wang Xiuying used to be neighbors, both of them were victims of forced eviction in 2001.

他在别人不愿想的远处’,‘在缅甸,奥伟尔知道了帝国主义的可恶’,‘在工作中近距离看透了帝权的卑鄙行为’”他在文章中写到“狩猎大象,被一个兴奋的暴徒强逼着杀大象,他认识到当白人成为暴君时他也就摧毁了自己的自由。"In a job like that you see the dirty work of Empire at close quarters, " he wrote in the essay "Shooting an Elephant."

他在书中辩护道,除非一个人知道自己会被赦免而主动认罪,否则是不能轻易强逼他认罪的。At one time in the book or at one point he maintains that a person cannot be made to accuse themselves without the assurance of pardon.

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如今你们又有意强逼犹大人和耶路撒冷人作你们的奴婢,你们岂不也有得罪耶和华你们神的事吗?And now you intend to make the men and women of Judah and Jerusalem your slaves. But aren't you also guilty of sins against the Lord your God?

他被掳到巴比伦后,他与几位朋友便立即被送到当地的大学,强逼他们念一个三年制的文化改造课程。But on arrival in Babylon he and his companions were immediately enrolled in a three-year course at what might be called the university there.

耶稣既知道众人要来强逼他作王,就独自又退到山上去了。When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.

结果,我开始感觉自己好像白雪公主的邪恶继母时刻监控着白雪公主一样,强逼着她屈服于我烹饪的魔力。As a result, I started to feel like Snow White's wicked stepmother, plotting against the princess as I willed her to succumb to my culinary magic.

他原打算依靠他的过人能力和军事天赋快速击溃俄军,并强逼沙皇接受他的和平条约。He was counting on his superior force and his own military genius to destroy the Russian army swiftly and force the tsar to accept his peace terms.

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当然,做到这点长短常不轻易的,要有毅力,经过频频操练,大都儿童的强逼现象才会慢慢消逝。Of course, it is not easy to do so, there must be perseverance, after repeated training, most children will be forced phenomenon gradually disappeared.

上述孩子得了强逼症若何办的治疗体例介绍,但愿能辅佐患者更好地治疗,并能尽快地恢复健康。The child suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment methods described how to do, hoping to help patients better treatment, and can recover as soon as possible.

瓜子富含可以消弭火气的维生素B和镁,还能够令患者血糖平稳,所以有助于强逼症患者表情舒适、远离愤慨。Seeds are rich in vitamin Bcan eliminate anger and magnesium, but also can make blood sugar stable, so it helps to calm patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, away from the anger.