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出现些微希望。A few glimmerings of hope appeared.

他看着那张照片,那些微笑的脸。He looks at the photo. The smiling faces.

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如果车身有些微小缺陷可以再添购Z-5。For minor imperfections, pick up some Z-5.

然而,这将会些微地减少枘穴。However, this will reduce the gain slightly.

咽喉些微地在那看平静。The Swallow looked slightly pacified at that.

测试员应该如何处理这些微妙的情况呢?So how do we handle these delicate situations?

他在决赛中以些微之差败给了年轻的选手。He was nosed out in the finals by a younger player.

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我仍然喜欢摆弄这些微控制器。I still like to play around with micro-controllers.

瓦里安的声音迴响著,让安度因些微退缩了点。Varian's voice echoed, and Anduin flinched slightly.

三兄弟很快就把这些微不足道的遗产分了。They would soon have eaten up all the poor patrimony.

始终心有些微不甘,但又能怎么样呢。Still feel slightly unresigned, but what else can I do?

身边的蕨类植物中有些微的沙沙声。Something small rustles away through the ferns near him.

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如果非要说有什么的话,倒是人民币对美元8.27元有点些微高估了。If anything, the renminbi was slightly overvalued at 8.27.

在这个房间中,只能看到些微的实用色彩。There are only small glimmers of practicality in the room.

在升任经理的竞争中,约翰以些微差距输给亚当。John was pipped at the post by Adams for promotion to manager.

即使受到最大冲击的北加州,也只受了些微小影响.The overall impact in Northern California is at worst,minimal.

丑陋的精确自然继续些微暧昧比较迟的。Caliban's exact nature continues to be slightly ambiguous later.

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瓦里安的声响回响着,让安度因些微畏缩了点。Varipowerful's voice echoed, as well as Anduin flinched slightly.

他们依靠些微投资中的收入,过着朝不保夕的生活。They lived precariously on the income from a few small investments.

香瓜、柠檬与些许花香、蜂蜜。些微的酸喝起来很清爽。Mellon and lemon with flowers and honey hints. Refreshingly acidity.