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那片土地绵延起伏好几哩。The country went rolling by for miles and miles.

林木苍翠、绵延起伏的骊山。The undulating Lishan Mountain is covered with pine trees.

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球场建于绵延起伏的丘陵地,紧邻美丽的凤凰湖,磅礴大气。It is built in the rolling hills, next to the beautiful Phoenix lake.

角山山势巍峨,绵延起伏,是山海关的天然屏障。Cape Mount towering mountains, rolling, is a natural barrier Shanhaiguan.

它们紧紧地挤在一起,背部构成一片绵延起伏的平面。They were packed close together, and their backs were an undulating continuous surface.

在每个方向都可以看到绵延起伏的山峦,每隔数英里就有着肥沃的农场和小村庄。Rolling hills can be seen in every direction, with fertile farms and small villages every few miles.

水坑干涸了,在光秃秃的绵延起伏的山坡上,我们看到到处都是死去的牲口。The water holes were dried up and we saw dead cattle lying here and there on the treeless , rolling range.

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青衣江及其支流沿岸,有绵延起伏的山,险峻的峡谷,清丽的河流和奇特的泉水。Along the Qiyi river and it's branches, there are fluctuant hill, arduous gorge, clear river, and peculiar spring.

一个月来,这周围平缓的绵延起伏的农田都处在炎热的天气中,并且这样的天气还将继续。The gently rolling farmland was parched, and had been for more than a month, with the hottest weather still ahead.

永恒的哥特式教堂。绵延起伏的平原和葡萄园,以及此起彼伏的阿尔卑斯山脉。Of Gothic cathedrals built to last an eternity. A place of gently rolling fields and vineyards and jagged Alpine peaks.

一场即将到来的午后风暴在威尔逊平顶山上积起厚厚的乌云,绵延起伏的十月科罗拉多高原被一层金色覆盖。Darkening clouds build toward an afternoon storm above Wilson Mesa, a rolling Colorado plateau touched by gold in October.

我们没有认为开阔的平原,绵延起伏的山峦和蜿蜒远去的河流是荒野的。We did not think of the great open plains, the beautiful rolling hills, the winding streams with tangled growth, as 'wild'.

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5月间的野生红叶杜鹃在这绵延起伏的高原荒野上连成一片花海,一座柔润洁白的山峰屹立在花海之间。Glistening, snowy peaks towered over the rolling highland moors of copper-leafed wild azaleas which in May form a sea of flowers.

成群的奶牛和菜牛在绵延起伏的草场上安静地啃食青草,在牧场的中间座落着几栋红色大牲口棚和几幢整洁的白色住房。Herds of dairy and beef cattle are grazing peacefully in rolling pastures which surround big, red barns and neat, white farmhouses.

吉维尼是一座精致的小镇,距离巴黎80公里,坐落于绵延起伏的丘陵之中,那里的景色足以让你赞叹不已。Giverny is a quaint little town 80 km outside of Paris that is set in gently rolling hills with vistas that will take your breath away.

展馆流畅的雕塑式外形如澳大利亚旷野上绵延起伏的弧形岩石。Featuring sculptured curving walls and a red ochre exterior, the Australia Pavilion's appearance is inspired by the world-famous Ayer's Rock.

小河顾盼生情,涟漪比比,绵延起伏成一路的五彩诗帆,欢唱着串串清亮的歌谣,盎然而来。Stare river health conditions, ripples Bibi, rolling into the way the colorful poetry fan, sang songs with strings of the clearest, abundant from.

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从街道各处都能透过雾气看到朦胧逼近的烟气,就好像在绵延起伏的田地里耕作的农夫和耕童都能隐约看见天上的日头一样。Gas looming through the fog in divers places in the streets, much as the sun may, from the spongy fields, be seen to loom by husbandman and ploughboy.

休息的时候,本吉环顾我们这所15亩的大院,院子里流淌着小溪,点缀着树木,还有绵延起伏的草地。“这个地方很漂亮,”他充满希望地说,“您是怎么搞到手的?”Taking a break, Benjy looked around our 15 acres with its stream, its trees, its rolling grass. "This place is beautiful, " he said wistfully1. "How did you get it?"