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你可以购买自己的卡尺。You can buy your own calipers.

提出一些使用数字卡尺时常见的问题。Presents the common issues in using digital callipers.

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用卡尺,测量滑环的直径。Using vernier calipers , measure the slip ring diameter.

截面尺寸应用钢尺和卡尺测量。Section dimension should be measured by steel rule and calipers.

会使用量具,例如螺旋测微器,卡尺等。Use of precision measuring tools, such as micrometers, calipers, etc.

利用电涡流位移传感器可以研制出防水性电子数显卡尺。A type of waterproof electronic digital calipers is devised using eddy current displacement sensor.

两锅卡尺利用了光盘的外围充分利用提供强有力的制动力。The two-pot caliper makes full use of the outer perimeter of the disc to provide strong stopping power.

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了解如何使用这个免费的卡尺自己做木工视频离我们家木工专家。Learn how to use a caliper in this free do it yourself woodworking video from our home carpentry expert.

带表卡尺是用表式机构代替游标读数,测量准确迅速。The dial calipers apply dial mechanism instead of vernier for readings and can work accurately and rapidly.

铝合金双辐式轮圈设计独特,能够清晰地看到制动系统的制动盘和卡尺。Its five delicate double spokes leave a clear view of the discs and sliding callipers of the braking system.

精通各类检验测试仪器,如卡尺、千分尺、电子测试仪器、投影仪、CMM三坐标等。Familiar with various measure tools and instruments, such as calipers, micrometer, profile projector, CMM, etc.

它同样可替代其它的厂房中的工具如高度规,千分表和卡尺。It is also a variety of other tools common on the shop floor such as height gauges , dial indicators and calipers.

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简单的标准测量工具如千分尺、卡尺可能不需要这样浓度的战略和计划。Simply standard measurement tools like micrometers or calipers may not require this indepth strategy and planning.

内径千分尺、千分尺、塞规、螺纹规、数显卡尺、高度尺等检验工具。Inside diameter micrometer micrometer plug gauge thread gauge digital calipers height gauge and other testing tools.

我拿起了卡尺,看到液压制动线断,干净利落地结束了在班卓琴权利方面。I picked up the caliper and saw that the hydraulic brake line was severed, snapped off cleanly right at the banjo connection.

用B型超声诊断仪和皮皱厚度卡尺分别测量皮脂厚度。The measurements of sebum thickness were made by B type ultrasonic diagnosis instrument and sebum thickness calipers respectively.

它同样可替代其它的厂房中的工具如高度规,千分表和卡尺。It is also a substitute for a variety of other tools common on the shop floor such as height gauges , dial indicators and calipers.

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依据检定规程,较详细地对数显卡尺检定中示值误差的测量结果不确定度进行了全面的分析和计算。The uncertainty of error of observation of measured result in verifying the digital caliper in all aspects was analyzed and calculated.

这种传感器已经成功地应用于新型防水电子数显卡尺中,可以在具有切削液条件的环境下正常工作。This kind of sensors has been used in the electronic digital calipers with liquid resistant function and it works normally under water and coolant.

哈的皮肤褶厚度已经被全世界广泛使用在项目的国际重要性和是最著名的卡尺可用。The Harpenden Skinfold Caliper has been used all over the world on projects of international importance and is the most prestigious Caliper available.