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家里用尽各种方式寄去的信也石沉大海。Home use various methods to send letter also no echo.

但是最大的心病,奴隶制将石沉大海"But the great heart wound, slavery, will not be reached."

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阴柔的声音如石沉大海般悄元声息。Yin soft voice as disappeared silently dollar voice interest.

大量内容相同的简历和求职信都会石沉大海。The days of mass submitting the same resume and cover letter are over.

历史不会石沉大海,总会有清算的那一天”。There'll never be closure, but there will be a reckoning with the past.

很抱歉,她失踪了,而她的行踪也石沉大海了。I'm terrible sorry. She got lost and her whereabouts sink into oblivion.

庭审刚开始64岁的el-Wafi就给儿子写信,但石沉大海。Since the trial el-Wafi, 64, has written to her son but received no response.

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据王教授说,由于官僚主义盛行,他的这一建议便石沉大海。Professor Wang was quoted as sating that his proposal had died a bureaucratic death.

据王教授说,由于官僚主义盛行,他的这份建议提上去后便石沉大海。Professor Wang was quoted as saying that his proposal had died a bureaucratic death.

如果有几个这类用户再加上一些糟糕的评论,您的插件很快就会石沉大海。Getting a few of these types of users as well as some bad reviews can quickly sink your plug-in.

影片一上映就如同石沉大海,没有引起任何人的关注──张昭说,这是一场“可怕的”经历。No sooner was it released than it vanished without a trace -- a 'horrible' experience, says Mr. Zhang.

事到如今,此案在市中院依然石沉大海,没有结论。Till present, this case is still unsettled and laid aside by City Intermediate Court, without any result.

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星期二没回家,星期三毫无音讯,星期四匆匆过去了,星期五还是如石沉大海。Tuesday did not come home, be without phonic message on Wednesday, went hurriedly on Thursday, still be like disappear forever on Friday.

突然,那些被遗忘的场景浮现在我脑海中“金银财宝,石沉大海”,然后我开始感觉,回想,最终回归自我。Then long-forgotten things like "sunken wrack and sumless treasuries, "burst upon my eager sight, and I begin to feel, think, and be myself again.

孟买警方计划在全市范围内设置包含5000个摄像头的监控网络,但这份计划在2009年提交到邦内务部就如石沉大海。Mumbai police plan to set up a city-wide 5,000-camera surveillance network has been gathering dust in the state home department since January 2009.

此刻,诸如“轮船沉没,金银财宝石沉大海”之类被人遗忘之事,浮现在我脑海中,我回味,冥想,又回归自我。Then long-forgotten things like "sunken wrack and sumless treasuries, " burst upon my eager sight, and I begin to feel, think, and be myself again.

我打开电脑,上了许多关于中国和汉语的网站,发了许多电子邮件,可是几天过去了,发出去的信都石沉大海。I opened the computer, on the many Chinese and Chinese on the website, many of thee-mail, but the past few days have passed, and issued a letter to all unavailing.

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他不停地给女大学生写情书,却都石沉大海,他只能偷了一张女生的照片,以解相思之苦。He keeps writing love letter to female undergraduate, however disappear forever, he can steal the photograph of a piece of schoolgirl only, in order to see the pain of lovesickness.

当局允许犯人和被拘留人员不经审查向司法机关投诉,不过实际上所有的投诉信都是石沉大海。Authorities permit prisoners and detainees to submit complaints to judicial authorities without censorship, although in practice all correspondence is screened entering and leaving the facilities.

用人单位最关心的是应聘者的学历、经历、能力和潜力,学会用优势弥补劣势,你的简历将不会石沉大海。Employers are most concerned about is the candidate's qualifications, experience, ability and potential, learn to use the advantages make up for weaknesses, your resume will not go down the drain.