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但是今天的四年级女生受到了媒体上纤瘦形像的狂轰滥炸。But today's fourth-grade girls are barraged by media images of thinness.

她表现得十分顽强,但她的狂轰滥炸也不至于将我轰出球场。She played extremely solid, but it's not like I was blown off the court.

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二战中纳粹德国对伦敦的狂轰滥炸也未能将它摧毁。Even the Hitlers had not destroyed it by wantoning and indiscriminate bombing to London.

我今年已经33岁,足够让我对于新事物的狂轰滥炸感到厌倦。I turned 33 this year, plenty old enough to have grown weary of being bombarded by the new.

这900个昼夜充满了令人恐惧的饥饿、死亡、寒冷和无休止的狂轰滥炸。It is the nine hundred days of horrible starvation, death, chilliness and ceaseless bombard.

桂林作为中国西南大后方的中心城市之一,多次遭到日军航空部队的狂轰滥炸。As a center city in the southwest of China, Guilin was bombed many times by Japanese air force.

其中潜在的困难是全神贯注于视频聊天的人可能讨厌受到广告的狂轰滥炸。The snag with this is that people engrossed in video chatting may well resent being bombarded with ads.

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一个徘徊于集市之间,用严密的逻辑问题狂轰滥炸,诱导出“善”。One wandered round the market place, teasing out the Good with onslaughts of severely logical questions.

在越战期间,腊塔纳基里由于是胡志明小道的一部分,受到美军的狂轰滥炸。Ratanakiri was heavily bombed by the US during the Vietnam war as it formed part of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

早期线粒体基因狂轰滥炸的结果,就是突变率高到爆棚。As a result of the early gene bombardment from mitochondria, the mutation rate surely shot through the roof.

在10号日落前,30架伊尔-2强击机,分成3个波次,对已知的德军阵地狂轰滥炸。Before sundown on the 10th, 30 Shturmoviks flew three sorties in a row, blasting the known German positions.

同时,通过朝鲜中央新闻通讯社,让身处困境的国民经受冷战时期式的,狂轰滥炸的政治宣传。Meanwhile, the beleaguered population is deluged with Cold War-like propaganda through the Korean Central News Agency.

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这也就意味着,当你走进他们的车辆展厅时,不会让那些被我称为“过分热情”的销售人员抓住狂轰滥炸。This means when you walk onto the showroom floor you're not bombarded with what I refer to as "beyond eager"sales people.

政府调查、法律诉讼、喜剧演员的嘲笑和媒体的狂轰滥炸,都会使丰田的复元努力更加复杂。Government investigations, lawsuits, late-night comedians and a media frenzy all will complicate Toyota's recovery efforts.

这导致闫德利失业并且出于恐惧而不愿离家,她的手机也被无数骚扰短信甚至死亡威胁狂轰滥炸。Yan lost her job and was afraid to leave her home. Her phone was also bombarded with abusive messages and even death threats.

他们不畏日本飞机的狂轰滥炸,把三万多箱珍贵文物从北京安全转移到了四川——当时的抗日大后方。They braved Japanese air raids and moved over 30, 000 crates of precious cultural relics to the home front of Sichuan Province.

纵观往事时我们明白,在政党斗争中,一位领导人的道德缺陷总是会被对手无情地狂轰滥炸。Looking back, we understand that in party politics, a President's moral flaws will be ruthlessly attacked by the opposition party.

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我们吸烟或吃汉堡包的决定受到了它们的制造商对我们狂轰滥炸的信息的强烈影响。The choices we make to smoke cigarettes or eat hamburgers are strongly influenced by the messages their producers bombard us with.

小拜在狂轰滥炸的媒体前笑着宣称自己已经准备好今晚于斯台普斯中心与小弟快船同城大战了。Bynum smiled at all the media commotion and pronounced himself fit to play in tonight's game against the Clippers at Staples Center.

德国中西部城市,位于埃森北部。建城于世纪,在二战中受到狂轰滥炸。人口72,020。A city of west-central Germany north of Essen. Founded in the th century, it was heavily bombed during World War II. Population, 72,020.