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他能命中空位投篮,但却没有制造空当的能力。He'll hit open shots but won't create that many.

后卫可以利用边锋制造空当。A fullback can use the space created by a wing forward.

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在短暂的休息和吃饭的空当,谈得最火热的话题就是女人。During breaks and meal times, the hottest topic is women.

别墅市场更是击鼓疾进,抢夺空当。Villa is a drum ahead into the market, snatching empty when.

在比赛中,找空当具有很高的技巧性。In a match situation it's a great technique for finding space.

在经典的空当挑战自己的触觉装置比赛。Challenge yourself in a classic Minesweeper game for touch devices.

但是我发现,上班时玩空当接龙者不必感到羞耻。Yet I now find that there is no reason to be ashamed of playing solitaire at work.

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有时候当其他球队防守好的时候,你必须要耐心寻找炸你,不断传球找空当。Sometimes when the other team is defending well you have to be patient and keep moving the ball.

他们变得重要的基本原因是在场上一直有空当。The basic reason they became crucial is that they were constantly the only players in any real space.

正当他们卷起毯子这空当,又有一个流浪汉走过来跟我们打招呼,他叫雅各布。They're folding their blankets when another local homeless man, Jacob, walks up and says good morning.

这60人中一半获准每天用一小时玩空当接龙或者挖地雷等基本的电脑游戏。Half of them were allowed an hour a day to play basic computer games such as Solitaire and Minesweeper.

斯通真应该停止投篮了,麦迪有一个很好的空当,我就是不明白,他为什么不停的传球给斯通。Alston really needs to stop shooting. TMac has a open lane I dont understand why he keeps passing it to him!

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技术出众,能快速发现空当。里昂人的宠儿还有一点值得夸耀,他从未射失过点球。Skilful and quick to spot a pass, the Lyon star also has a reputation for never missing from the penalty spot.

芬尼惊愕的空当呜兹本该趁机逃跑,怎奈他两腿只顾着打颤,怎么都迈不开步子。Woods should escape when the moment Finney has dismay, persevering seeking only his legs trembled, cannot make a step.

他们跟随在他的边上,防守端指导他们防守,进攻端瞅着他们的空当,激发他们,拥抱他们。They're following alongside him, as he directs them on defense, finds them open on offense, energizes them, embraces them.

这条航线会增加挂靠一些港口并增加第九条船,因为要弥补另一条航线被取消后留下的空当。It added several new port calls to the service to make up for the withdrawal of another service and added a ninth ship to the service.

英国球迷立刻看到了世界杯上英格兰队中场出现的空当。但是,在这样一个不幸事件之后,阿根廷人是怎么想的呢?English fans suddenly saw a void in midfield at the World Cup. But how did Argentines feel after such an unfortunate situation like that?

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杨还可以打二前锋的位置,他可以发现空当完成进球。Young can, after all, be deployed as a secondary striker, a difficult and elusive opponent, finding space, accomplished in front of goal.

原来,火山灰覆盖了没能逃离城市的人,他们的身体几乎全部烧化消失了,只留下火山灰里的人形空当。It turns out that after the ash covered the people who failed to flee the city, their bodies nearly completely broke down and disappeared.

他们可以填补两名助攻型边后卫中的一人助攻上前后所留下的空当,或者是自行在中场推进参与进攻。These can then cover the gaps left by one of the wing backs surging forward, or join the attacks themselves by ploughing on from midfield.